Back again guys ! With an update on my most recent bloods -
See copy of my last post below ⬇️ for full story…
So I’ve had my latest bloods back whilst still being on the 25mg reduced dose for about 8 weeks now. From my latest results my levels look to have raised and dropped slightly in all the right places…
blood test results are
T3 - 5.1 pmol/L (normal range 3.1 - 6.8 pmol/L)
THYROXINE 16 pmol/L (normal range 12 - 22 pmol/L)
1.81 mu/L
TSH levels normal (normal range 0.27 - 4.2 mU/L)
I’m still experiencing the jitters in the morning, restless sleep, really itchy skin and also heat intolerance.
I also had a panic attack the other day (first one in a long time)
So my question is do I come off the meds??
and if so could it of been dequervains?
I was diagnosed with underactive thyroid October 23, original levels were
tsh 22 (0.27-4.2)
t3 4.8 (3.1-6.8)
t4 9 (12-22)
tpo- 9.3 (0-34)
tgab - 456 (0-115)
I was put onto 75mg of Levo. as you can see I didn't have raised levels of TPO but my thyroglobulin antibodies were raised.
previous to be underactive I had a nasty period of symptoms that were catastrophic....
symptoms included panic attacks, hives, anxiety, insomnia, palpitations, heat tolerance... it was an incredibly frightening time of my life where I felt completely out of control of my body. after lots of research I now believe I was in a HYPERthyroid state before going under active.
ive cut out gluten, dairy and mostly processed foods. . . ive also been supplementing with 3000iu vitamin D as my blood tests came back low, this has also improved my b12 and ferritin levels. I also have managed to lose 2 stone in weight.
over the course of the last year ive had bouts of anxiety and feelings of being overactive again (albeit much less frightening)... so the doctors have been reducing my levo.
ive gone from being on 75mg to now just 25mg.
I had my bloods privately taken again in when I was reduced to 50mg July 24 ... results where
tsh - 3.11 (0.27-4.20)
t3- 5 (3.1-6.8) t4- 15.7 (12-22)
tpo - 16.7 (0-34)
tgab - 253 (0-115)
then I had my bloods done again recently (privately ) January 25 whilst being on just 25mg
results as follows
tsh- 2.27 (0.27-4.20)
t4- 13.9 (12-22)
t3- 4.8 (3.1-6.8)
tpo- 13.2 (0-34)
tgab- 36.5 (0-115)
as you can see im not optimal but im still in range and my tgab antibodies have gone down significantly. I feel like going up in dose brings on insomnia, jitters, heat intolerance and anxiety.
I feel like im going through phases of feeling tired and achy but then feeling great but then having periods of also feeling anxious, jittery and intolerant to heat...
I don't know if I need my meds upped or lowered im completely confused and I hate feeling like this, my sister mentioned something called dequirveins thyroiditis? a type of thyroid issue that is brought on my a virus or similar which can cause a period of being overactive, then moving into underactive and then eventual euthyroid (back to normal) this can take up to 4 years.
could I be going through this ? I could really use some expert advise on this as to wether I should be trialling no medication at all? my Gp's are useless as they don't know much about it and only care about what my tsh looks like.
is it unusual for antibodies to go back to normal levels ?
is it unusual not to have high tpo?
has anyone experienced dequirveins?
any help would be a appreciated xx