Please could someone comment on my daughter’s recent blood results?
She is 17 years old and was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and chronic fatigue syndrome two years ago. I always thought that her hypo could be causing the fatigue and she certainly experiences brain fog.
The fatigue has been so debilitating that the consultant added in a dose of 2.5mcg liothyronine to her 75 levothyroxine in July. At first, she thought it gave her a boost but this didn't last. Blood results below:
TSH 1.9 (0.27-4.2)
T3 4.2 (3.1-6.8)
T4 13 (12-22)
Thyroglobulin Abs 15.5 (0-115)
Thyroid peroxidase antibodies 12.8 (0-34)
CRP 0.204 (<3)
Vitamin D 34.2 (>50 sufficient)
Ferritin 65.90 (30-169)
Active B12 >150 (>37.5)
Folate -sample error
Before introducing liothyronine, her T4 was 17.1 (12-22), T3 6.2 (3.1-6.8)and TSH 3.7 (0.27-4.2) in March 24 but her fatigue was severe, as well as other symptoms.
Her vitamin D has been low on and off over two years. I have put her on 2000 better you Vit D spray. Is this sufficient? Would anyone know?
I am a little worried about her being on T3 so young. Endo wants to raise liothyronine to 5mcg but I'm nervous about this, as he talks about cardiovascular and osteoporosis risk. For context, I am on T3 only myself.
Would appreciate any thoughts or advice.