Hello again, I would really appreciate feedback on my last test results please. Thanks to your previous advice I managed to convince an Endocrinologist to increase my Levothyroxine from 75mcg to 88mcg which I have been taking since last April. At the time of the last results I had been on that dose for about 4 months. I am also taking Vit B, Vit B Complex and Vit D since April except for some periods recently. I still don't feel great. The tiredness, very painful back and neck tension aches, often very short night sleeps and periods of brain fog. But as I am also sharing the care of my elderly and seriously ill mother, and doing it with as much of a 'light manner' as I can in order not to show her my worry and fear, it's hard to tell what is natural anxiety in the current situation and what it is increased by my Hashimoto's.
Anyway, here are the results of the tests I did, prior and post the Levothyroxine increase, for any comments you might want to make, thank you.
Looking closely I realised that the 2 different labs (in Portugal) I used indicate slight different reference values so I will include them too.
In March 2024 on 75mcg
TSH - 3,22 uUI/ml (0,27 - 4,20)
Free T3 - 2,02 pg/ml (2,0 - 4,4)
Free T4 - 1,29 ng/dl (0,93 - 1,70) 16,6 pml/l (12,0 - 22,0)
Vit D -12,06 ng/ml (Deficiency <20)
B12 - 357,4 pg/ml (191 - 663)
Ferritin - 96,10ng/ml (20 - 280)
Creatinin - 0,63mg/dl (0,50 - 1,10)
And in July 2024 on 88mcg
TSH - 2.87 mUI/L (0.35 - 4.94)
Free T3 - 3.3 pmol/L (2.4 -6.0)
- 2 16pg/mL (1.56 - 3.90)
Free T4 - 15.0 pmol/L (9.0 - 19.1)
- 1.16 ng/dL ( 0.70 - 1.48)
I have also just realised that there was no request from the doctor to test vitamin levels and I was too preoccupied with mother's health to notice so Ihave no recent results. And I have also had periods of forgetting to take them in my days of sole carer...
Thank you so much again for any input which is much appreciated.