Hi everyone,
Thanks to some members recommmending having private blood tests, I have received the following results (below). Can anyone recommend what these thyroid results mean? I already take 200mg levothyroxine a day and if anything, since my dose has been increased, it has made me more tired.
B12 - 223 pg/ml (range 197-771)
Ferritin - 12 ug/L (range 13-150)
C Reactive Protein - 5.2 mg/L (range <5)
Total Thyroxine T4 - 84 nmol/L (range 59-154)
TSH - 8.41 mIU/L (range 0.27-4.2)
Free Thyroxine - 12.1 pmol/L (range 12-22)
Free T3 - 3.3 pmol/L (range 3.1-6.8)
Vitamin D - 37 nmol/L (range 50-200)
Thyroglobulin Antibodies - 323.7 IU/mL (range 0-115)
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies - 135.7 IU/mL (range 0-34)
Reverse T3 - 20 ng/Dl (range 10-24)
These results totally contradict the results I had from my doctor 2 weeks ago as he said my TSH levels were too high and showed I was slightly hyper and my B12, vit D and iron were all absolutely fine.
Thank you so much for any help - it would be great fully received