Latest Results from BH for advice.
Currently taking 1 grain 60mg Armour , 1/2 am, 1/2 pm, under supervision with private endo
I had bloods drawn at 9am, day before bloods I split my doze 1/2 am and 1/2 grain at 10:30pm and I stopped Biotin/Bcomplex 1 week before.
Usual symptoms, temple hairloss and thinning on top, fatigued, brain fog, racing heartbeat now and again, eyebrows disappearing at the bridge of nose side. My sleep has is still very disturbed, very dry mouth also keeping me awake.
My temperature is steady. Weight still 7stone.
TSH 0.13 - (0.27-4.20 mIU/L)
Free T4 14.2 - (12.0-22.0 pmol/L)
Free T3 4.5 - (3.1-6.8 pmol/L)
T4 Total 74.7 - (66-181 nmol/L)
Reverse T3 13.0 - (10.0-24.0 ng/dL)
Reverse T3 ratio 0.34
Anti-Thyroglobulin Abs 12 - (<115 IU/mL)
Anti-Thyroidperoxidase abs <9.0 - (<34 IU/mL)
Vitamin D(25 OH) - 136 - (50-200 nmol/L) - (Optimal 75-200)
HbA1c 34 - (20-42 mmol/mol - Non-diabetic 20-< 42)
Magnesium 1.0 - (0.7-1.0 mmol/L)
CRP 4.94 - (<5.0 mg/L)
Iron 21.4 - (5.8-34.5 µmol/L)
UIBC 31.6 - (24.2-70.1 µmol/L)
TIBC 53 - (45-81 µmol/L)
Transferrin Saturation % 40.3 - (20-50)
Ferritin 103.00 - (13-150 µg/L)
Serum Folate 57.20 - (8.83-60.8 nmol/L)
Vitamin B12 562 - (145-569 pmol/L)
Active B12 >150 - (37.5 150 pmol/L)
Cortisol (Random) 449.0 - (73.8-507.0 nmol/L) - (6am - 10am 166 - 507)