Hello fabulous people!
I’m new to this forum, and posting for the first time. I’m a 60 year old female, Hashimotos hypothyroid for more than 20 years. I am taking Tirosint 750 mcg per week at the moment (increased recently from 700 mcg per week due to TSH of 4.56 mUI/l (range 0.30 – 4.30).
My main concern, and the reason why I am writing, is hair loss. It is driving me crazy. The last two years have seen a lot of fluctuation in TSH levels, and simultaneously a lot of hair loss.
I know there can be hundreds of reasons for hair loss. I just want to make sure that at least my thyroid hormone levels are optimized. And also that some of the well known culprits – like ferritin, zinc – are all good.
I am due for a blood test (TSH, fT3, fT4, thyroid antibodies) in June. I’m meeting my GP next week to request that we also test for zinc, vit D, vit B12, folate, ferritin.
Here are my questions:
1. Do I need to test for anything else?
2. How to convince GP to test for vitamins at this point of time? I do get a yearly blood test for everything, but that happens once a year, usually in November. Are there any peer reviewed studies which support the Hashimotos-vitamins connection? Because I’m not going to talk to her about hair loss, just about optimizing thyroid. Because I’m never taken seriously if I talk about hair☹ Even if my hair has thinned down so much that I don’t feel like stepping out of the house anymore ☹ In the past, all I’ve ever gotten from docs when I mention hair, is a prescription for Biotin. For heaven’s sake! Why would they assume there is a problem with Biotin without even testing for it? Biotin did nothing except make my hair and nails grow faster. Why are docs so useless. Sorry for the rant.