Hello, can anyone help me prepare for my endocrinologist appt later? i've summarised results attached and my symptoms are below. fatigue and brain fog are making this difficult for me. What do you make of these results? what should i ask the end for?
in addition to the above I have DHEA/cortisol disfunction and 2x thyroid antibodies were neg.
I am currently not diagnosed as i haven't seen an endocrinologist yet.
.....symptons below....
High cortisol
low T4 in blood tests (normal THS)
Crushing Fatigue - often spending entire weekends in bed. after work get in bed 3pm. never feel rested even after a lot of sleep
i sleep for 12-15h and still have to be woken up and still exhausted
often cannot sleep at night even though exhausted all day
serious memory issues - my brain is not working its scary i feel like i have dementia
I cannot do normal things such as food shopping or housework or getting my kids ready for school because of fatigue and pain
- Carpel tunnel pain
- tennis elbow pain
- pins and needles
upper arm, stomach and leg swelling/weight - unpinchable skin, gel like (physio and osteopath are both concerned about this.)
Look visibly exhausted pale, tired, older
- covered in bruises
Put on 20kg over a few months, could not lose the weight, dress size 10 to 14.
Then When I excluded gluten, dairy, soy, sugar, alcohol and caffeine over 1 stone dropped off in less than 5 days. now the thinest i’ve ever been. 65kg and losing weight all the time
- face changed shape, rounder, puffy, tired looking, double chin, permanent lines. (Now gaunt, pale, tired since exclusion diet.)
freezing cold all the time - get in bed or hot bath are the only ways to keep warm
- IBS bloating, pain and malabsorption. Lots of intolerances suddenly
neck pain - tightness, MRI showed disk degeneration, herniated disk possibly explaining pain on left but not everything.
nerve pains down both arms and into hands
back pain and stiffness in lower back and hips
muscle stiffness, tightness and aches - back, shoulders, arms, legs, jaw, neck etc
joins aches and pains - shoulders, elbows, hands, back, knees, ankles, everywhere
weak arm and leg muscles, cannot grip my hand e.g. petrol pump without a lot of effort/pain and using both hands
low muscle tone since weight loss - bum/arms/ thighs etc disappeared suddenly
pressure in head, headache
dizzy particularly when i stand up
heart palpitations
short of breath even walking, can no longer exercise
itchy tight dry skin
dry hair
Vison issues - need glasses for the first time, struggle to focus.
digestive issues - wind, bloating, diarrhoea. definite triggers are things like dominoes or chinese food or wine/beer. These foods cause pain in joints, muscles and nerves.
malabsorption - low iron, zinc, vitamin d, b12, magnesium, iodine, folate…
always struggled with low iron
periods became very heavy and painful -recently had coil to try and help. now spotting/irregular
PMT/PMDD/Perimenopause - serious struggles with moods, hormones, etc
low libido
pain in my stomach near c-section scar on right hand side
CRP in blood tests
inflammation in spine (MRI)
ill a lot, even a normal cold totally wipes me out and i’m in bed for days