Brief history, diagnosed hypothyroid last fall, still working on getting to proper dose of NDT, have had antibodies tested twice and all were in normal range both times.
So at my last endo appointment, I got to see the nurse practitioner again (she seems much more with it than the doctor). Based on our discussions, she suggested that we do an ultrasound (I have to clear my throat a lot, large pills don't get "stuck" but leave a sensation in my throat that is unpleasant, I often choke on saliva and drinks).
Ultrasound showed normally formed thyroid, no nodules, no cysts, no tumors; it did, however, show changes consistent with Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Doctor showed me the scan of the left lobe which looked like swiss cheese. Although we all know it to be true, he confirmed that it is possible to have negative antibody tests and suffer from Hashimoto's and that I fall into that camp. Personally, I appreciate knowing that this is what is going on.
The point of my post today is for people that go searching for this situation to see a confirmed case of negative antibodies with ultrasound consistent with Hashimoto's to help them in their decision process of whether to push for an ultrasound.
NP had increased my dose of NDT by 1/4 grain last appointment (which didn't make any change in symptoms), so after 2 weeks, I increased an additional 1/4 beyond that. About 5 days after that, my blood pressure improved slightly (watching carefully to see if I need to reduce my BP meds) as did my fatigue. Doctor didn't give me a hard time about it, which was good. I have increased another 1/4 grain (to 2 grain) after the appointment - hopefully they follow with an Rx for that amount... I don't have results of blood work from that appointment yet.