A further review please.: Latest results from... - Thyroid UK

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A further review please.

Sycamore33 profile image
2 Replies

Latest results from medichecks: TSH 3.32 (0.274.2) Free T3 3.3 (3.1-6.8). T4 18.1 (12-22). CPR 3.61 (0.5). Ferritin 286 (13-150). Folate 7.66 (3.89-19.45). Vitamin B12 active. 87.7 (25.1-165). VitaminD 78 (50-200). TAB <13 TPA <9. Bloods taken at 8.30am, fasted . Previous day stopped levo at 6am. Stopped Thorne Basic B 7 days before and supplemented with Better You vit B oral spray. Took levo after bloods. Medication and vitamin regime: levothyroxine 50mng (almus). Daily 6am. Bisoprolol 7.5mg. twice daily 9am / 10pm. Thorne Basic B complex, I capsule daily. Magnesium Taurate 1 capsule daily. Zinc 15mg daily. Better You vitamin D one spray daily. My health has improved over last 6 months. I continue with gluten free diet. Weight still a concern but latest Harmony section on diet was very helpful and I have lost 5 lbs. Now 13st ! Energy levels good as I walk each day ,cope with housework and light gardening. Since starting B12 capsules the numbness in toes has disappeared and tinnitus greatly reduced. I can hear better. Continue to have very dry skin and scalp with some hair fall but I can cope. I realise vitamin levels are not yet optimum but have only taken full prescription for last 3 month as added very slowly. I am wondering if I should now increase the dosage of vitamins B and D up to 3 sprays daily. Also B capsule colours urine yellow. Is this normal? With regard to thyroid levels I wonder if I should request a small increase in Levo as at long last I have a phone call appointment with endocrinologist mid June. Apology for the length of this script and may I thank all who help with this excellent site. Should a response be required do I type and then press reply. I ask this as my last reply some 7 months ago seems to have disappeared. Regards.

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Sycamore33 profile image
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2 Replies
SeasideSusie profile image


Should a response be required do I type and then press reply. I ask this as my last reply some 7 months ago seems to have disappeared.

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TSH 3.32 (0.274.2)

Free T3 3.3 (3.1-6.8). = 5.41% through range

T4 18.1 (12-22). = 61% through range

Unusual to have such a high TSH with a relatively high FT4. I wonder if anything interfered with your TSH result - water only before test, no coffee, tea, breakfast? The B vitamin spray you took, was that B12 and it didn't contain biotin?

Your conversion of T4 to T3 is poor. You could ask for an increase in your dose of Levo due to your TSH level (if you're sure nothing interfered with this) as it's recommended that it be less than 2 - see this post:


CPR 3.61 (0.5).

This shows some inflammation. The range is actually <5 so although in range with CRP the lower the level the better, and with it being 3.61 it does suggest that there is some inflammation.

Ferritin 286 (13-150).

This is likely to be falsely raised due to the inflammation shown by your CRP result, ferritin rises with inflammation. However, your GP would argue that your CRP is within range, in which case maybe he should investigate why your ferritin is so high.

Folate 7.66 (3.89-19.45).

This is quite low in range, folate is recommended to be at least half way through range so that would be about 12 plus with that range. I would continue with the B Complex and maybe retest in 3-4 months to see if it has improved.

Vitamin B12 active. 87.7 (25.1-165).

This would be better over 100. Maybe continue with B12 until it reaches this level and continue with B Complex as well. Once it's reached 100 then drop the B12 but continue with B Complex.

VitaminD 78 (50-200).

This would be better within the range recommended by the Vit D Council, Vit D Society and Grassroots Health, ie 100-150nmol/L.

How much does your one spray of Better You Vit D give you? With your current level of 78nmol/L this suggests you should take 2,500iu D3 daily.

I see you are taking magnesium, but are you also taking D3's other important cofactor - Vit K2-MK7 (is it included in the spray?)

Also B capsule colours urine yellow. Is this normal?

This is the Riboflavin (B2) that causes this. It's your body excreting the excess in your urine. Nothing to worry about.

Sycamore33 profile image
Sycamore33 in reply to SeasideSusie

Thank you for your prompt reply SeasideSusie. I must have messed up with my last reply. I'm not good with technology but I try. It was a thank you and amendment to the loss of format on my post. I was surprised with regard to my results in April. I always use medichecks and am careful to adhere to rules before bloods are taken. No levo previous morning at 6.30, fast from 10pm only water to drink...bloods at 8.30 ish then levo after that.....then breakfast about 10.30. My previous results from medichecks on 22/9/22 were as follows. TSH 2.93 T3. 4.3. T4. 18.4 Folate 2.9. B12, 77.1 Vit D 71. CRP 5.09. I have checked ingredients in vitamin D spray and it does not contain biotin. CPR/Ferritin . Yes I have inflammation of gall bladder as liver enzymes also up so going to have a scan soon. Glad to know about riboflavin. I will follow your advice and recheck results in 3 months. Better You D3000+ K2 oral spray has 75ug (3,000iu) vit d per dose. Regards and thanks ...

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