8 months on from my first noobie post on the forum asking for help. I’m pretty pleased with this, feeling so much better than I did, the advice here has been life changing.
Still work to do, very achy, limited capacity to do anything outside of turning up to work/home stuff but that is an improvement, digestion is less IBSy and less refluxy, I am gluten, dairy, soy, alcohol, sulphite free, very low carb/paleo/AI diet. I can make it through most weeks without a nap – that’s a win! If I eat normally I am not losing any weight still 66.6kg, I have to cut out absolutely all snacks and walk around hungry all the time (not sustainable) to see any change there.
Results from. MMH 30.1.23 (125mcg Teva for 7 weeks split 25/100 night/morning)
Testing as per usual protocol on this forum. Fasting, 24 hrs from last dose, no biotin supplement for 5 days etc.
• TSH 0.12 mIU/L (0.27 - 4.2) -3.8%
• Free T4 (fT4) 20.7 pmol/L (12 - 22) 87.0%
• Free T3 (fT3) 4.4 pmol/L (3.1 - 6.8) 35.1%
• T4:T3 Ratio 4.705
• Folate - Serum 20 ug/L (3.89 - 20) 100.0%
• Vitamin B12 (active) 186 nmol/L (37.51 - 150) 132.0%
• Vitamin D 114 nmol/L
• Ferritin 41 ug/L (10 - 400) 7.9% (down from 68ug/L in October)
• Haemoglobin 151 g/L
• Transferrin Saturation 30 %
My questions:
The MMH notes say stop taking Vit D, not sure I agree with that, should I go to maintenance dose now? 2000iu or 1000iu per day?
Ferritin Range is weird, past ranges have been 30-148 and 13-150 – I eat liver twice a week, did have a heavy period week before testing, I have fibroids and also take Transexamic Acid for these. GP follow up for this and recent ultrasound early Feb. Any more Ferritin tips?
T3 – I have a Roseway labs appointment next week to discuss options for private T3, do I put it off for 8 weeks, see if my T3 comes up in another 8 weeks? T3 has flatlined at 4.4, 4.3, 4.4, 4.2, 4.4 (same range) since June 2022 regardless of the titration from 25mcg upto 125 mcg so I'm skeptical of watching and waiting another 2 months. I do have the DIO2 gene mutation. Last neck MRI showed ‘small’ thyroid, no size or further notes given. I have TPO antibodies confirmed.
TSH – I’m assuming I ignore that, although any doc won’t. I'm not going to share with GP unless they ask.
What I take currently:
Igennus Super B Complex (methylated B vits + C) 2 x day as per instructions to match previous Thorne Basic B which I wasn't able to re-purchase.
In testing week I take Natures Best B12 1000ug & Health Leads L-Methylfolate 400ug)
Most days when on the B Complex I take an extra Folate - could I stop that now?
H&B Selenium 200ug
Horbaach D3 + K2 4000iu/25ug (oil dropper)
Magnesium Glycinate 300mg 1 capsule not 2 (so half stated dose on bottle).
Just started 125mcg Aristo split 25/100 night/morning.
Looking forward to your collective wisdom 🌱🦋🌱