Aristo- aching joints and brain fog: hello, does... - Thyroid UK

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Aristo- aching joints and brain fog

Mama196 profile image
41 Replies

hello, does anybody have problems with Aristo brand of levothyroxine?

I started it 10days ago and noticed wrist/ hand stiffness and aching and yesterday a really crippling brain fog only cured by half a packet of Haribo (not good I know but it works instantly as if related to low blood sugar issues which I know can be a problem with Hashimotos).

I didn’t get this so badly on my other brand of levothyroxine.

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Mama196 profile image
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41 Replies
J675 profile image

I've been on Aristo (100mcg/day) since Actavis was rebranded last year. Initially, I had crippling joint pain that reduced me to tears at times, but that's slowly resolved and I only occasionally get some very minor knee pain now.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK

Aristo is a relatively recent (March 2020) addition to the levothyroxine products available in the UK.

As always, experiences and opinions vary. What I've done is compile a list of posts which mention Aristo. Some are positive; some are negative. Some simply mention Aristo in passing.

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Aristo Levothyroxine

I’ve found another brand which doesn’t work for me anyone else had Aristo?


Hi everyone 👋🏻


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Mama196 profile image
Mama196 in reply to helvella

Thank you so much!!

SlowDragon profile image

When were thyroid and vitamin levels last tested

What vitamin supplements are you currently taking

You will need thyroid levels retested 6-8 weeks after any change in dose or brand of levothyroxine

Which brand of levothyroxine were you taking previously?

Mama196 profile image
Mama196 in reply to SlowDragon

Thanks for the reply. I’m not sure what the previous brand was- orange blister strip??

I’m not on any supplements as was breastfeeding until recently and have had problems with nausea and constipation with the last lot I tried.

I have been wondering what was causing the aching wrists and brain fog but I do feel it could be the Aristo so was wondering if it was a common issue. Perhaps I need a log book.

1chicken profile image
1chicken in reply to SlowDragon

In Scotland testing only offered annually, and generic levothyroxine offered. This can be any make and user has no choice, and can change randomly with no blood test between brands.

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to 1chicken


That’s not strictly true

If you find one brand is better than another your GP can (should) put brand you need on all future prescriptions

Government guidelines for GP if you find it difficult/impossible to change brands

If a patient reports persistent symptoms when switching between different levothyroxine tablet formulations, consider consistently prescribing a specific product known to be well tolerated by the patient.

Physicians should: 1) alert patients that preparations may be switched at the pharmacy; 2) encourage patients to ask to remain on the same preparation at every pharmacy refill; and 3) make sure patients understand the need to have their TSH retested and the potential for dosing readjusted every time their LT4 preparation is switched (18).

thyroid blood tests early morning, ideally just before 9am and last dose levothyroxine 24 hours before test 

This gives highest TSH, lowest FT4 and most consistent results. (Patient to patient tip)

Private tests are available as NHS currently rarely tests Ft3 or all relevant vitamins

List of private testing options and money off codes

Medichecks Thyroid plus antibodies and vitamins

Blue Horizon Thyroid Premium Gold includes antibodies, cortisol and vitamins

If you can get GP to test vitamins and antibodies then cheapest option for just TSH, FT4 and FT3

£29 (via NHS private service ) and 10% off down to £26.10 if go on thyroid uk for code

NHS easy postal kit vitamin D test £29 via

Only do private testing early Monday or Tuesday morning. Watch out for postal strikes, probably want to pay for guaranteed 24 hours delivery 

Link about thyroid blood tests

Link about Hashimoto’s

Symptoms of hypothyroidism

Mama196 profile image
Mama196 in reply to SlowDragon

Thank you so much, I really appreciate all of this information. I’ll speak to my pharmacist and GP and see if changing back helps.

KrazyKatMT70 profile image

I’ve never taken that brand. From what I’ve heard the only thyroid pill that has Acacia in it , is the non-generic Synthroid. BUT, I was buying some protein bars and discovered they are putting Acacia in food now to extend shelf-life. This is a nightmare ! Read every label on meds and food !

Have fun reading ! This is very upsetting to me !

Mama196 profile image
Mama196 in reply to KrazyKatMT70

Thanks. Sorry for my ignorance but what is wrong with acacia gum- does it trigger the autoimmune response?

I am gluten and dairy free but find it very hard to cut out soy as well but have felt well even consuming very small amounts of soy. The aching joints started 7 days after starting the Aristo with no other changes so that why I feel it could be a reaction to that. And I remember having similar symptoms months ago when I think I also may have been on it.

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Mama196

If you’re on dairy free diet then ideally you would have lactose free levothyroxine

The two options are Aristo or Teva brand

If having blood sugar issues…..sounds like you are under medicated

Perhaps stick it out on Aristo and get bloods done 6-8 weeks after changing brand

KrazyKatMT70 profile image
KrazyKatMT70 in reply to Mama196

There’s nothing wrong with Acacia,if your not allergic to it.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK


Synthroid is not available in the UK.

In the UK, Acacia is used in Advanz Pharma's and Teva's levothyroxine tablets.

UK Levothyroxine matrix
KrazyKatMT70 profile image
KrazyKatMT70 in reply to helvella

Acacia is used in Teva ? Levothyroxine generic ?

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to KrazyKatMT70

The brand/generic distinction is somewhat different in the UK.

We do not usually get anonymous tablets - with rare exceptions. We get levothyroxine in packets with manufacturer details, Patient Information Leaflet, containing 28-tablet blister packs.

The ones under supplied by Advanz Pharma under two names, and by Teva (including as 25 microgram Northstar) all contain acacia.

DennTow70 profile image

The symptoms for Hypothyroidism are exactly the same as they are for a deficiency in IODINE?

iodine deficiency, condition in which iodine is insufficient or is not utilized properly. Iodine is an element that directly affects thyroid gland secretions, which themselves to a great extent control heart action, nerve response to stimuli, rate of body growth, and metabolism.

Iodine is essential for normal thyroid hormone production and can be obtained only from the diet. The recommended daily iodine intake is 150 micrograms daily for adults, 220 micrograms daily for pregnant women, and 290 micrograms daily for lactating women. Worldwide, iodine deficiency is the most common cause of thyroid disease. Iodine deficiency is most prevalent in persons living in mountainous areas, where the soil and therefore the food and water contain very small amounts of iodine. In contrast, the condition is least common in persons living in coastal areas, where the soil often contains large amounts of iodine and where iodine-rich seafood is likely to be consumed. It can be prevented by an adequate dietary intake of iodine, which is most often achieved by the addition of iodine to salt.


SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to DennTow70

no one should supplement iodine without doing a non loading iodine urine test

Inappropriately supplementing Iodine with autoimmune thyroid disease can cause patient to become hypothyroid

Unless a long term vegan unlikely to be low in iodine

see discussion on iodide in this post here and note re selenium too

DennTow70 profile image
DennTow70 in reply to SlowDragon


The symptoms for Hypothyroidism are exactly the same as they are for a deficiency in IODINE?

I chose those words, but the remainder of the script was taken from Encyclopedia Britanica.

Your advice for subscribers is to use personal experience as a guideline and that is exactly how I wrote that message. I now take 150mcgs of levothyroxine daily, but that dose still left me with all the symptoms of hypothyroidism!

Every GP I have seen in the last 12 years has told me to reduce my intake of thyroxine, because the FT4 levels were higher than normal. Twice I have been rushed into hospital with stomach pains, simply because of reducing my dose of Levothyroxine? The endocrinologist who examined me said that reducing the amount by 25mcg should not have created this problem, but it did!

Doctors and Endos could not supply a solution to my problem, so I came-up with a solution of my own, IODINE. I tried every vitamin and mineral I could think of, but nothing worked.

Stomach pains bothered me for years until I worked-out that the hormone, FT4, contained 4 molecules of Iodine, that it delivered to nearly all the Organs and Glands, in the body.

I started taking an iodine supplement and it immediately stopped the stomach pains (which the doctors said was Pancreatitis). My brain functions have improved so much, no more brain fog, and even the hairs on my arms have started to grow again (after losing them completely).

All the books I have read, say that T4 is mainly inactive, which it is until the hormone delivers its supply of IODINE to the organs and glands and starts working!

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to DennTow70


Approximately 90% of primary hypothyroidism (especially if female) is autoimmune thyroid disease also called Hashimoto’s

iodine is extremely controversial and should only be taken if under care of iodine specialist and non loading test shows iodine deficiency and not if have Hashimoto’s

if you have Hashimoto’s disease or other types of autoimmune thyroid disorders, you may be sensitive to harmful side effects from iodine. Eating foods that have large amounts of iodine—such as kelp, dulse, or other kinds of seaweed, and certain iodine-rich medicines—may cause hypothyroidism or make it worse. Taking iodine supplements can have the same effect.

In my own practice, I have seen iodine harm people with Hashimoto’s, so I feel the need to caution people about supplementing with high doses of this nutrient, unless they have a known deficiency.

However, even in the case of deficiency, taking too much at once can be toxic.

One reader wrote in to tell me:

I was given Iodine for a short spurt and my TSH went up to 98 and my antibodies up to 9800 after about 3 months.

I think it can be deceiving. I would only do it with a doctor who understands the delicate balance with selenium.

What I regret that time in my journey now. It was with someone who did the simple iodine test on the hand and determined the dosage by muscle testing. I would not advise that for others.

Any supplement can have an adverse reaction in an individual, and I wish this was a one time report, but I have received countless messages like the one above, and have seen many similar reports in clients who came to me after trying high dose iodine on their own, or with other practitioners.

Initially, a person given iodine may experience more energy, but they then crash and feel worse. This is because iodine, given to a subset of people with Hashimoto’s, can make the thyroid produce more hormone initially, but unfortunately, in doing so without having enough selenium and antioxidants on board, the increased hormone production creates lots of free radicals, which can flare up the attack on the thyroid gland.

Iodine needs to be processed by the thyroid gland, and when the thyroid is inflamed, the processing of iodine will likely produce more inflammation. If you give an angry and overwhelmed organ more work to do, you’ll likely see it become even angrier!

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to DennTow70

Yes levothyroxine is Ft4 and inactive….it needs conversion into Ft3 (active hormone)

Many thyroid patients have poor conversion of Ft4 to Ft3, especially with Hashimoto’s

For good conversion of Ft4 to ft3 we need GOOD vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12

Mama196 profile image
Mama196 in reply to DennTow70

thank you for your response

Peachandcream profile image

sorry you are having problems with a knew brand of medication, perhaps you could ask your pharmacist for advice, they might be able to make sure you have a brand that suits you. A pharmacist has more knowledge of how different medications work rather than a doctor. Best of luck.

Mama196 profile image
Mama196 in reply to Peachandcream


Eliotf profile image

My suggestion is to change brands. Please speak up to/at the doctors and tell them very sternly the issues you are having. The other thing I noticed having Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism is that it feels like I do have blood sugar problems. If I don't eat regularly than I feel that high/low sugar rush. I have been tested several times over the course of many years and all the diabetic test come back negative. My monthly CBC/CMP blood tests (for my other issue) never show any changes. Some of my 'sugar' items are a bit high, but always the same. The times I have to fast for a blood test my glucose levels are fine. I have searched all over for a relationship of Diabetes and hypothyroidism and have not found any. What I do find is the same as what we do experience. My suggestion is make sure you eat at least 3-4-5 times a day, as evenly spaced out as possible, even if it is just a (healthy) snack to tide you over for a few hours

1chicken profile image
1chicken in reply to Eliotf

I have Hashimotos.

My understanding of the condition is that when your thyroxine levels in blood become low, blood suger is converted to fat instead of being maintained in blood at the correct level.. This is why you feel weak, as your blood suger IS low. This is also why people with uncontrolled hashimotos get fat so easily.

Fat and tired

Mama196 profile image
Mama196 in reply to Eliotf

Thank you, I’m going to discuss with my pharmacist. I definitely have blood sugar issues but I am definitely learning to manage it better. Unfortunately working from home hasn’t been great for reducing snacking on sugary snacks so that’s my next target!!

ColinMather profile image

my pharmacy dispenses Accord and/or North Star levothyroxine. I don’t have the issues that you describe. I was thinking however that the symptoms you describe are pretty much the symptoms of a struggling thyroid… is it possible that the medication you are on is simply a bad batch with reduced thyroxine content? Or are you drinking caffeine at around the same time as you take your tablets (the info leaflet doesn’t mention it but caffeine counters levothyroxine). I hope this helps, Colin

Mama196 profile image
Mama196 in reply to ColinMather

Thsnks I don’t drink caffeine and haven’t changed the way I take them.. the only other thing I can thing that has changed is that the weather is colder … but I also had a bad flare of joint pain in July … when I thing I may have also been on Aristo (it’s only now I’ve started taking notice of the brand).

1chicken profile image

Sorry 196, They are not a brand I know

1chicken profile image

And Mama, if you have Hashimotos, your condition can vary at any time. This makes it very hard to control.

If you still feel like this in a month, you need another blood test to make sure you are taking the right dose.

Mama196 profile image
Mama196 in reply to 1chicken

Thanks, it’s been 7 months since my last test so I think I’m due one anyway but might speak to the pharmacist in the meantime. I didn’t realise joint pain was a symptom of hypothyroidism.

GracieMary profile image

Hello Mama196

I hope you are feeling a lot better.

I have used Aristo, among others and didnt notice a difference, as i have already had carpal syndrome and had the operation for that.

Not much help but i think there are many conditions that are linked with the Thyroid .

Gracie Mary

Mama196 profile image
Mama196 in reply to GracieMary

thanks, I’ve heard to that CT is linked to Hashis- due to inflammation but a few months ago I’ve had a great patch with no wrist stiffness/ pain and it just started again since taking the Aristo.

ElsaElsa55 profile image

I was on Aristo for a few months and I must say I felt the best I had in ages, then my chemist put me back on Accord which I am ok with. I can't take Mercury Pharma or Teva. Have you tried Accord? Hope you feel better soon

Mama196 profile image
Mama196 in reply to ElsaElsa55

thanks, I’m not sure what my previous type was- will ask the pharmacist.

Petgirl2 profile image

Hi Mama196

I get the hand wrist problem, it also can affect every joint, depending on severity. Its normally when i dont drink enough, eat something i shouldn't or get overtired. I usually get bad with a combination of all 3.

My brand is merck. Its changed a couple of times due to supply. Theres a change over period, but it normally levels out with exercise . I'm having other issues right now after having selenium poisoning, I still have strange symptoms after 9 months. So my symptoms are somewhat mingling.

I'm dairy free and very nearly gluten free, which has helped immensely. Last night was oktoberfest, beer, blackforest gateaux, tiny nibble of my husband's bretzel. I had licorice essence before I went, again in the morning, and fresh pineapple for breakfast, and i made it through the day. Its once a year and was worth it.

Sometimes its exhausting, but dont let it beat you down.

I planned carefully, my wagon fall. Decided to enjoy my night, take the consequences and kick start my detox and exercise.

I may be completely wrong, but i live a very active life, hard as it can be some days, so I can't be too far off the mark.

Mama196 profile image
Mama196 in reply to Petgirl2

Thank you for taking time to reply. It’s so hard to separate out what is causing what symptom and having two small kids causes it’s own symptoms in itself in terms of tiredness and aching!!

Marianne0915 profile image

Hello I take 75microgram TEVA with no problems.

oldcrofter profile image

I have never suffered the symptoms that you describe and I am not medically qualified. I would strongly advise that you seek professional help from a properly qualified physician.

My own experience of Levothyroxin is now very positive because of some simple changes I made to my regimen:

1. Do not take Thyroxin with any other medications at all. A 2 hour gap should do the trick between all other meds and thyroxin.

2. Take Thyroxin on an empty stomache. I get out of bed every evening in the early hours and that is when I take it so my meal has passed through my system.

3. Starting Thyroxin takes time to actually work, about 6 weeks up to a few months so be patient. I imagine, again I am not medically qualified, that changing a brand may make a difference due to differences in formulation of specific recipes by different companies.

4. Hypothyroidism is unfortunately, as you will now appreciate, a life long condition with no cure. Please do not fall for the trap of people telling you they have a cure as the best science has come up with is Thyroxin. I hope, as do many of us, that scientist eventually come up with a magic bullet.

I wish you well and again I would suggest that you seek help from a properly qualified physician.

The Old Crofter

Mama196 profile image
Mama196 in reply to oldcrofter

thank you. I’ll speak to the pharmacist firstly. Doctors are too busy to be bothered with this sort of thing I find.

Cherri161220 profile image

Hi Mama196,

Sorry to hear what you are going through. I have found that different brand cause different side effects. Check with your doctors to see if a different brand can be given.

Hope you feel better soon.

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