Morning All. Can I have some of your collected advice on my T4 dosage, please? I was on 100mcg/day Aristo taken at 04.30 with just water. I'd been on that dose for 9 weeks and I was in 75mcg for a couple of years prior to that. My recent private results confirm how I feel (= awful joint pain, insomnia, constipation, massive hair loss and all the other joys of hypothyroidism) is possibly due to slightly low T3&4 levels. My test was taken at 6am, 24 hours after last dose, no biotin for seven days and only water to drink. I've been gluten free for a couple of years and I went dairy free a few months ago. My last ferritin test was 27 and I'm now on prescription iron and my slightly low vitamin D levels are being supplemented with Betteryou D3 and K2. Enough other supplements taken throughout the day to make me rattle!
I raised my levo to 125mcg six days ago and I'm now incredibly hot, especially in comparison to being cold for most of my adult life. Resting heart rate still around 60ish and no other overt over medication symptoms. Have I raised my levo too much and need to drop to 112.5? Or is this just an acclimatisation period while my body gets used to the additional hormone?