Hi All,
I have no idea what any of this means, but even I know some of it looks skewiffy! A couple of the results were flagged by the test itself; these are RDW and MCHC which may relate to thyroid function. Also the Serum Folate and B12 look a bit low so may be affecting my thyroid too.
Are you able to help explain the results?
I feel awful all the time but I'm used to it: I've had ME for 30 years and Fibromyalgia, was paralysed with Guillain-Barré 4 years ago (still weak legs and hand grip), and have had Long COVID since March 2020. I was born with one kidney.
As I've said before "I'm hypothyroid (self-prescribe additional T3 with help of this forum) and have been taking thyroid meds for around 25 years. Currently I take I take 125mcg T4 and 18.75mcg T3 in the morning, and 18.75mcg T3 in the evening." I don't feel overmedicated - and I know how that feels!
I had this lovely comprehensive set of NHS blood tests back on May 25th, but I haven't been contacted by any doctors since - and it's now mid July. Hence needing your input, as some results clearly aren't normal, even to the untrained eye!
In the absence of medical interest/ input, I need help pulling these results together to give me an overall picture of my health, potentially to start a conversation with my GP if you guys think it would be appropriate.
Thank you in advance for your time. I really do appreciate all comments.
And I do hope you're sitting comfortably...!
Each result will have the following layout:
Test: My result (Ranges Given & Measurement)
AST: 30 (5 – 40 u/L)
Bone Profile:
Total Protein: 73 (60 – 80 g/L)
Albumin: 42 (35-50 g/L)
ALP: 60 (20 -150 u/L) Low-ish?
Calcium: 2.36 mmol/L
Adjusted Calcium: 2.32 (2.2 – 2.6mmol/L)
Globulin: 31 (20 – 35g/L )
Phosphate: 0.99 (0.8-1.5mmol/L) Low-ish?
C-Reactive Protein: 1 (0 - 5mg/L) Low-ish?
Electrolytes & Creatinine
Sodium: 137 (133-146 mmol/L)
Potassium : 4.7 (3.5 - 5.3mmol/L)
Creatinine: 83 (50-98umol/L)
EPI eGFR Result/ 1.73m2: 74 (60 - 120 mL/Min) Low-ish? I only have one kidney so it'd be useful to know!
Dr Google(!) indicates:
Stage 2 (G2) – A slightly reduced eGFR of 60 to 89ml/min (my result is 74) = Mildly reduced renal function/ Kidney damage with mild decrease and other signs of kidney damage. Control of blood pressure and cardiovascular risk factors.
Aged 40–49 (my age range), the average GFR is 99
Full Blood Count
Haemoglobin: 131 (120 – 150 g/L)
White Cell Count: 6.4 (4 – 10 10*9/L) Low-ish?
Platelets: 247 (150 – 410 10*9/L)
RBC: 4.4 (3.8 – 4.8 10*12/L)
HCT: 0.37 (0.36 – 0.46 L/L) - V low??
MCV: 85 (83 – 101fl) – V low?
MCH: 29.9 (27 – 32pg)
MCHC: 352 (315 – 345g/L) – Def high (flagged by test itself)
RDW 11.5 (11.6 – 14 %CV) – def low (flagged by test itself)
Neutrophils: 3.7 (2 – 710*/L)
Lymphocytes: 2.1 (1 – 3 10*9/L)
Monocytes: 0.4 (0.2 – 1 10*9L)
Eosinophils: 0.2 (0.02 – 0.5 10*9L)
Basophils: 0 (0 – 0.1 10*9L) – V low? Allergies – related to Mast cells, allergic reactions or infections
Absolute NRBC: 0 (0 – 0.09 10*9L) – V low?
Liver Function
Total Bilirubin: 7 (2 – 21mol/L) – Low-ish?
ALT: 39 (5 – 40 u/L) - High?
Haemoglobin A1C Diagnostic (IFCC): 32.2 (20-41mmol/mol)
HbA1c% (DCCT): 5.1 % (no range given)
Serum Folate: 9 (3 – 20g/L) – Low-ish?
Vitamin B12: 326 (180 – 640Ng/L)
If you've read this far, thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤️