Need advise on blood test results. Please, help!
Here are results for my 15 yrs old daughter blood tests. We have discovered recently she was born with only one thyroid lobe. Also, ultrasound revealed she has a lymph nodes. it looks like she has all signs of hypo: anemia, loosing breath, non-usial weight gain, having something like "shacking" attacks sometime, mood swings.
So results are:
Hematology panel:
WBC - 5.6 (3.9-10.2) 10*9/L
RBC- 4.87 (4.05-4.98) 10*12/L
Hemoglobin 121 (117-149) g/L
Hematocrit 0.39 (0.35-0.44) L/L
MCV 79 (77-92) fL
MCH- Low - 24.8 (25.8-31.7), pg
MCHC- Low- 313 (330-365) g/L
Platelet count- 255 (180-440) 10*9/L
Neurophils 2.9 (1.6-7.9) 10*9 /L
Lymphocytes - 2.1 (0.9-3.5), 10*9 /L
Monocytes - 0.5 ( <0.6), 10*9 /L
Eosinophils 0.1 (<0.9) 10*9/L
Basophils 0.0 (<0.3) 10*9/L
Grans Immature 0.0 (<0.2) 10*9/L
Biochemical investigation of anemias;
Ferritin- Low - 11 (>11) ug/L
General Chemistry:
Calcium - 2.37 (2.10-2.60) mmol/L
RBS 4.8 (3.6-8.3) mmol/L
Thyroid function:
TSH - 1.76 (0.3-5.5) mU/L;
Free T4- 17 (11-22) pmol/L;
Free T3- 5.2 (33.7-7.7) pmol/L;
Adrenal function:
Rand. Cortisol 161 nmol/L (Rand cort coll at 1050h)
( Pathologist comment: value is low and if patient is not on corticosteroids, further assessment is required. If part of suppression test, reduced suppression is noted)
Our family doctor told me that everything is fine, explaining results, just a little bit of iron on the low end limit. He told, it is not a concern.
We need assistance with results. I worry about several values: MCH, MCHC, Ferritin and Cortisol, especially last one.
Please, advise, how to understand it and what will be the next step? Also, how often lymph nodes can be checked. Doctor told it is not a problem, it is just one lobe overloaded with the work of two. What lymph nodes mean?
Thank you SO MUCH.