I have received more blood test results and I wonder if anyone can shed any light on the results. I have formerly been diagnosed with adrenal insufficiency and it looks possible again from the results?
Serum cortisol 9am 267nmol/L (150 - 600) Lab have added 'Reference range refers to 9am cortisol and assumes established circadium rhythm. In a well patient cortisol levels above 400nmol/L made adrenal insufficiency unlikely. Midnight and post dexamethasone <40nmol/l'. I didn't have any dexamethasone?
Other results:
serum folate 10.6 ug/L (3.0 - 20.0)
serum b12 493ng/L (180 - 640)
serum ferritin 188 ug/L (15 - 200)
Free T4 12.4 pmol/L (9 - 19)
TSH 2.09 (0.35 - 4.94)
serum oestradiol <37 pmol/L (Post menopause <102 pmol/l ) which I am but way under and out of range. I have progressing osteoporosis
prolactin 211mu/L (109 - 557)
testosterone 0.91 (0.5 - 1.2)
My GPs surgery have told me all is fine, 'no further action required'. I spoke to the pituitary foundation helpline yesterday and they told me to get urgent call out to endo to get adrenals investigated as 'my hormones are in crisis'. Put the wind up me. Any light that can be shed or pointers would be greatly appreciated. Maybe this is outside the thyroid forum - just starting my research into all of this and taking charge of my own health, so apologies if I'm getting this wrong and being a pain.
Thank you