I wrote a post over the bank holiday asking for help with my inability to sleep which included shaking.
I received lots of good advice and spoke to my GP who was happy to ask for the tests recommended by SlowDragon
There has been a delay getting the tests due to a shortage of nurses but I had the tests on Monday at 8.45am as recommended, no levo before hand, only drank water. The results are back and are as follows:
CRP<4 mg/L 0 - 6 mg/L
Ferritin50.2 ug/L 10.0 - 291.0 ug/L
25OH Vitamin D (Total)118.7 nmol/l nmol/l
Vitamin B12539.0 ng/L 211.0 - 911.0 ng/L
Folate>24.00 ug/L >=5.38 ug/L
Serum Sodium135 mmol/L 133 - 146 mmol/L
Serum Potassium4.2 mmol/L 3.5 - 5.3 mmol/L
Serum Creatinine55 umol/L 44 - 97 umol/L
Estimated GFR>=90 mL/min/1.73m*2 mL/min/1.73m*2
Cortisol588 nmol/L - nmol/L
Narrative for cortisol
A 09:00 am cortisol of >374nmol/L excludes adrenal insufficiency providing the patient has not had recent exposure to exogenous oral steroid or oral oestrogen (OCP, HRT).
Thyroid results:
TSH2.26 mU/L 0.35 - 5.50 mU/L
Free T414.3 pmol/L 10.5 - 21.0 pmol/L
So it looks like I need to up my levothyroxine (currently on 50mcg a day)
Vits D and B12 okay
Sodium low as ever, despite me drinking the adrenal cocktail and eating lots of salt.
Iron low despite taking supplements, in
Cortisol okay in so far as it goes? The doc did warn me that it was limited in it's value.
I think the methotrexate I take for Rheumatoid arthritis is causing the low sodium levels although it might be also be me, I had this problem with shaking and not sleeping for three motnhs in my twenties but we thought it was general unwellness as I was suffering from severe anxiety and some anti-anxiety pills helped me get back to normal. I wish I had known about salt then
Any comments very welcome