Blood Test Results ( 3rd attempt lol ) - Thyroid UK

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Blood Test Results ( 3rd attempt lol )

Sweetpea1157 profile image
β€’11 Replies

Hi everyone , hope you are all keeping well in these trying times . Not been here for a while as have had so much going on since this time last year .

Just got my latest blood test results back from Medichecks and they re not looking too bad , but am at a bit of a loss , because am feeling very much out of sorts , to be honest , feel like total crap and have done now for several months , the results are as follows

CRP HS 2.63 mg/ L range = <5

FERRITIN 110ug/ L range = 13 - 150

FOLATE >19.8ug/ L range = >3.89

VIT B12 >150pmol/ L range = 37.5-187.5

VIT D 96nmol/ L range =50 - 175

TSH 0.013mlU/ L range = 0.27 - 4.2

FT3 5pmol/ L range =3.1 - 6.8

FT4 18.1pmol/ L range = 12 - 22

TGA 19.1klU/ L range = < 115

TPA 12.2 klU/ L range = <34

My present daily doses are 50mcg / 75mcg levothyroxine alternate days and 10mcg liothyronine daily.

What definately isn't making any sense is that as you can see i have a low TSH reading and have had a low TSH reading constantly for over a year now . Now , am unable to understand why i am getting symptoms of both a low TSH reading and a high TSH reading both at the same time , i.e : fatigue , dry skin , dry brittle hair that breaks off , brain fog , constipation , insomnia , and intolerance to both heat and cold , but would say mainly heat . Can anyone shed some light on this please as am totally confused as to what is going on with my body .

Now , just a quick update , i don't know if any of you remember my posts from last year concerning the lumps in my neck , shoulder and front of collar bone and the fact that the doctors kept saying they couldn't see anything , well , around 2 weeks ago i recieved a letter from the hospital Rheumotology dept ,

after reviewing my previous CT scans , they have found that i have increased adipose fatty tissue in the area and that there is also a vein running through this and that it is possibaly venous congestion that is causing the intermitent swellings . Now , maybe i'm worrying unessaseraly , but this is all happening on the same side as the carotid artery dissection which caused me to have a mini stroke last April , has anyone any thoughts on this please , as the hospital have said there is nothing i can do about this until the present crisis is over with . But the problems are actually getting worse , lumps are getting more and more sore and have just about lost my voice . Since my first post , have now got appointment on 29/6/20 for another ultrasound of neck and shoulder , which to be honest i think is going to be a complete waste of time , as they didn't find anything before , it only showed on CT scan , but we shall see , keeping fingers and toes crossed .

hope this third attempt makes more sense , to all you lovely patient people , especially those who have already been back to me . 😌

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11 Replies
Wetsuiter profile image

I'm just about to go to sleep, but before I go, I'll say that i dont believe that (nor have i heard of) you get symptoms of TSH reading.

My limited understanding is that TSH is a measure of hormone in yiur brain which MAY indicate that your thyroid needs your body (or tablets) to provide thyroid hormone, and as you take T3, it would be expected that TSH is low.

it seems to be FT3 that causes symptoms , and yours is not high.

Right, that s it from me. Someone else ll come along and give you a proper answer.

g night!

Sweetpea1157 profile image
Sweetpea1157 in reply to Wetsuiter

Hi Wetsuiter , thx for getting back to me , i was only going by what i read on google about tsh low levels and high levels , yes ,i've had some good advice from people here on the forum , which i normally do get , thx again 😌

greygoose profile image

Now , am unable to understand why i am getting symptoms of both a low TSH reading and a high TSH reading both at the same time

I explained that in your last post. Did you not understand? Or did you not believe me?

Sweetpea1157 profile image
Sweetpea1157 in reply to greygoose

hi greygoose , sorry taken so long to get back , of coarse i believed you , because you have always given me good sound advice . the rewrite wasn't for you personally , it was for other people on the forum who messaged me saying they couldn't make any sense of what i had written , sorry if i offended you in any way , it certainly wasn't my intention . i totally took on board what you had said , am going to start by raising my levo to 75mcg daily , re take test in 6 -8 weeks then start adjusting T3 accordingly , as it easier for me to do it that way at the moment . thanks once again for the good advice , oh just something else very quickly , humanbean suggested that the problem could be adrenal , and that ( after doing some reading up on it ) did seem to co-inside with what you were saying about the T3 not distributing to the cells properly , just wondered if you have any thoughts on this please . thanks again 😌

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Sweetpea1157

Well, I don't know why people said they couldn't make any sense of what you'd written. Seemed perfectly clear to me. :)

I didn't say that the T3 wasn't being distributed to the cells 'properly'. I said 'evenly', meaning that some got too much, and others not enough. That's not quite the same thing. And, it should even itself out as your levels increase, and more receptors are switched back on. But, the body won't do that until it is sure that it's going to get a constant, adequate supply of hormone. I'm not sure that that has anything to do with adrenals, it's more about the body protecting itself, and making sure that essential organs get a good supply of hormone.

That's not to say that you don't have any problems with your adrenals. You possibly could have. But, I see that as a separate issue. :)

Sweetpea1157 profile image
Sweetpea1157 in reply to greygoose

Hi greygoose , thanks again for getting back to me , i don't know why either , maybe its that they are not as savi as you lol , sorry , think got wires crossed , don't know the difference between properly and evenly lol , so do you think the plan i am going to work on is ok ?? or do you think i should be concentrating on T3 first ?? 😌

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Sweetpea1157

Well, personally, I would concentrate on the T3 first. But, if that's not easy for you, at the moment, try increasing the levo and see if it helps. It's all trial and error, anyway. :)

humanbean profile image

Now , am unable to understand why i am getting symptoms of both a low TSH reading and a high TSH reading both at the same time ,

Your FT4 is 61% of the way through the range.

Your FT3 is 51% of the way through the range.

Your conversion from FT4 to FT3 isn't too bad. However, it is possible that you need a higher level of FT3 or FT4 or both - you have room to raise dose for either or both. Unfortunately you are in the annoying situation where your only option is trial and error to see if it makes you feel better. You will have to decide whether you should try raising Levo or T3. If you can't decide which to start with I'd go for the one that it easier for you to do in practical terms. Don't change two things at once.

Since your nutrient levels are actually pretty good the only other possibilities I can think of are :

1) Your diet might be sabotaging you. Do you eat enough? I think lots of people eat far too little in the belief it keeps their weight down. But starvation is not a good solution to weight issues.

2) Are you vegan or carnivore or something in between? You may have to change your diet if your current diet isn't working for you. A good website which is at least worth a visit is DietDoctor. If you have no weight to lose then you can still eat the food they suggest, just eat more of it.

3) You might have adrenal issues. Doctors won't test for these under normal circumstances. You would have to do an adrenal saliva test - the best one available is from Regenerus :

You have to make sure that you don't take drugs or supplements which can affect the results of the saliva test if you can avoid it - but some drugs are essential and mustn't be stopped.

4) Given that you had a stroke and a carotid artery dissection I'm assuming that you are prescribed bucket loads of meds. They could be sabotaging how you feel and/or affecting how well your thyroid meds are working for you. You could tell us which drugs you take.

5) It would be a good idea to have a timeline of when you get up, when you take thyroid meds, when you take prescribed medicines, when you take supplements and when you eat. You might be sabotaging your thyroid meds by taking things at the wrong time and/or by taking meds too close to eating.

Sweetpea1157 profile image
Sweetpea1157 in reply to humanbean

hi humanbean , thanks for getting back to me , my diet is pretty much under control , but i do feel like eating something out of the norm i.e i could eat my dinner , then half an hour later am needing something else to eat , i almost feel like what i was like when i had an over active thyroid .

i am a meat eater , but mostly eat fish or chicken , but lots of fruit and veg , and at times do substitute things for gluten free .

we are ( after your advice ) looking in to getting the adrenal function tested , but have not come to a formal decision on that as yet .

tablets after mini stoke , as was already on lots of medication for BP already , was only told to take asprin to thin the blood on a daily basis .

I take my levo and lio at around 6:30 - 7:30 every morning , breakfast between 8;30 and 9 am , then normally take my BP meds around 11:30 - midday , any supplements i take i take between 1 and 2 pm , the supplements i am taking at present are ; selenium , vit D 2000 iu as i have osteoperosis , vit C and Zinc , omega 3 and malt extract . i also take tumeric added to a fruit smoothie a fruit smoothie , i take collagen after my evening meal to see if it will help with osteoperosis and spinal stenosis , and lastly i take magnesium glycinate at night to try and help pain and some very much needed sleep , which isn't really working at the moment , so if you have any suggestions , I'm all ears lol . hope this all helps you understand my problem a little better , thanks once again 😌

Batty1 profile image

Well the US will be able to tell if the lumps are solid, fluid or have micro calcification I personally think better then the cat scan. I had both at different times the cat scan said not really a whole bunch but the US picked up some abnormalities and since you said the lumps are getting worse maybe the US will catch something this time around.

Your inflammation marker is high this could also be the reason for the lumps to act up. Has your doctor mention infection?

Sweetpea1157 profile image
Sweetpea1157 in reply to Batty1

HI Batty1 , thanks for getting back to me , yes , hopefully this time something will show up in US , keeping both fingers and toes crossed , will get back to you with results , thanks again 😌

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