Hello again forum.
I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism in Sept this year, and as mentioned in an earlier post the GP I saw at that time said my bloods couldn't be re-done for 3 months. Thankfully, following advice here, I went back after 6 weeks on levo and saw a different GP who was happy to re-do my bloods sooner.
31 Aug 17 results, before treatment:
Serum TSH 6.89mi/L [0.27-4.2]
Serum free T4 11.1pmo/L [12.0-22.0]
Thyroid peroxidase antibody level 220 U/mL [>34 = positive]
Serum vitamin B12 503pg/mL [197.0-771.0]
Serum ferritin level 22ng/mL [13-150ng/mL]
Serum folate level 7.1ng/mL [3.9-26.8 ng/mL]
Serum 25-Hydroxy vitamin D3 level 58.4nmol/L [50-75nmol/L is adequate]
30 Oct results, after 6 1/2 weeks on 25mcg levo:
Serum TSH 3.58mi/L [0.27-4.2]
Serum free T4 14.3pmo/L [12.0-22.0]
First bloods were late morning and not fasting. Latest bloods were at 9.25am (earliest appt I could get), fasting, and having not taken previous night's dose of levo.
So my TSH and T4 are both back in range - is this quite good progress given I'm on such a low dose of levo? But TSH still high in range, T4 low in range and my energy is still rubbish and various other symptoms continuing too. I am booked in to speak to the GP on Friday; am a bit worried as the admin lady said "The doctor says your results are normal", but I know I need to push for a dose increase, don't I? Hoping she agrees... I have the BMA book and Pulse article to hand in case of need!
(I am also supplementing vits and mins as per advice on this forum, especially iron, and have been gluten-free for about two weeks. And awaiting kefir grains to give that a go too!)