Blood test results: Anotheruser suggested I put... - Thyroid UK

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Blood test results

10 Replies

Anotheruser suggested I put these up as a standalone question:

Serum TSH level: 10.93mlU/L Range: 0.27 - 4.20mlU/L

Serum free T4 level: 16.1pmol/L Range: 10.00 - 23.00pmol/L

Serum Folate: 3.0ug/l Range: 3.10 - 20-50ug/l

Serum Vitamin D: 41 nmol/L Range: 30-50 nmol/L: Vitamin D insufficiency

Serum Ferritin: 137 ug/l Range: 22.00 - 275.00ug/l

BTW, here's my Serum glucose level: 5.7 mmol/L

My red blood cell count is low that maybe due to the asperin and the other heart drugs I'm taking: 4.30 x10^12 and also the low iron count.

Serum potassium: 5.1 mmol/L Range: 3.50 - 5.00 mmol/L

Serum Creatinine: 150 umol/L Range: 59.00 - 104.00umol/L

Unfortunately no T3 measurement but next time...

BTW: the TSH result was before I upped my levothyoxine from 100mg to 125mg per day.


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10 Replies
poing profile image

Your folate is out of range.

Did they test B12 as well as folate? At my surgery/area, both are tested together.

To quote:

"Before you start taking folic acid, your GP will check your vitamin B12 levels to make sure they are normal. This is because folic acid treatment can sometimes improve your symptoms so much that it masks an underlying vitamin B12 deficiency. If a vitamin B12 deficiency is not detected and treated, it could affect your nervous system (brain, nerves and spinal cord)."

Sorry, I can't comment on the rest.

in reply to poing

Whoops, yes, Vit B12 634ng/l Range: 187.00 - 883.00ng/l

Jackie profile image

Hi 2 things stand out, you need calcium checking and if OK vit D ( hormonal) gradually increasing dose with repeat tests of both. It is no use doing it in less than 3 months. The other thing is you need a free T3 test,,as you say. it is impossible to see what the thyroid is doing without it.The 2 kidney function tests you give ( U` and Es`) are not brilliant. A lot depends on what your GFR is. Potassium certainly dangerously high and can cause kidney failure, coma even death if it goes a lot higher. If it was me I would insist on seeing a nephrologist anyway If Potassium too high or too low ( it changes daily and too low can cause cardiac arrest) . the you need a magnesium blood test. There is a brilliant blood test showing it in the cells but the standard on picks mine up , I have it weekly. Potassium ( K) varies day to day. personally I would try to cut out magnesium food and potassium. Main Potassium ones are Kiwi, bananas, tomatoes. if you look up the WEB for both it gives good lists.Inidentally I have had 4 arrests ( low k ) and 2 deadly bouts of complete kidney failure, potassium only 4.9. for one bout and GFR 25.I was very lucky, unusually so.

I hope things improve.


in reply to Jackie

Dear Jackie,

With all due respect I think your response is alarmist and irresponsible. I had a myocardial infarction last year and the meds do affect both my kidneys and liver, tho right now not unduly, and all of it due to the heart meds (and of course, age). I think my doctor would have mentioned kidney failure if it was imminent.

BTW, my GFR is 41, low but surely the doctor, who went over the complete list with me, would have singled it out?

Jackie profile image
Jackie in reply to

I am sorry, I thought you posted for information. I never write anything I have not experienced and been told by my consultants. I am not telling you to accept my opinion, I have to be fully informed, having had 4 potassium cardiac arrests ( low Potassium) and 2 MI`s and twice total kidney failure, ( high potassium)I have some very good cardio`s now, but in the past I have had a lot of mistakes which have cost me dearly. I have yet to find a GP who understands these conditions, although it is the main cause of SID I have to have my U` and E`s,including Potassium and magnesium done daily some times and always at least, once a week,even at Christmas., that is on 3 consultants instructions, who understand the conditions.. It changes in hours, as happened last time I had total my kidney failure. a few weeks ago , The time before in a few days, I was in a coma and desperately ill.

Of course, you can ignore what I say, personally i believe in having as much info as I can, which is why at the moment ,I am still alive. However I am always happy to have advice from any one.

I wish you all the best and hope you do not need this advice, but at least you will be more aware now, I hope.


in reply to Jackie

Dear Jackie,

As I'm on beta blockers (Ramipril), these can elevate potassium levels but it's .1 over the top of the recommended range and, as you say, it swing one way and the other. Even how the blood is drawn, or how long before it's tested can influence the result. Surely if I was in imminent danger of cardiac arrest, my doctor would have said so? This is why I feel your response is unduly alarmist.

SID? What is SID?

Second, your condition is not mine, thus making comparisons is, in my opinion, very misleading.

Third, I was hoping to get responses on my thyroid results. As to my awareness: that's why I posted the results in the first place (the test results included comments on the levels inc. potassium ("abnormal but no action needed", ditto serum folate etc).

And ironically, surely it's our over reliance on blood tests that has led to so much misery for thyroid sufferers?

Jackie profile image
Jackie in reply to

Sid is sudden infant death. I am not prepared to argue, I tried to help as I said, if you are not interested I am perfectly happy with that, that is your choice. I do not b


Jackie profile image
Jackie in reply to Jackie

lost a bit, end reads, I do not believe in falling out with any one ,what ever the reason.


in reply to Jackie

I appreciate your comments and I too, am not about arguing but like I said, I think your comments were rather alarming.

LouiseRoberts profile image
LouiseRoberts in reply to Jackie

Hi Jackie & wbowles

Perhaps you could agree to differ? Thanks.


x :-)

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