Hello, I hope someone might be able to help me out here!
I found out in January of this year that I have Hashimoto's, through doing a Blue Horizon test. My results at that time were:
TSH 11 (0.27-4.20)
FT4 15.7 (12.0-22.0) 37% through range
FT3 4.96 (3.1-6.8) 48.65% through range
TPO antibodies >600 (<34)
TGab 47 (<115)
Ferritin 9.3 (13-150
B12 479 pmol/l (no range given as such)
Vit D 60nmol/l (no range given as such)
Folate 16.70 (8.83-60.8)
My GP agreed to start me on Levothyroxine (although she was keen to point out that my FT4 and FT3 were within range). I took 25mcg for one week, then increased to 50mcg. After 6 weeks, a blood test at the GP surgery showed a TSH of 3.32 (0.35-5.0) and a FT4 of 13.8 (9.0-21.0 - 40% through range). I had a bit of saga contacting my GP as Covid was kicking off around then, but on the 23rd March I persuaded her (it wasn't easy!) to prescribe me enough Levo to increase to 75mcg per day and then, "in my own time", to increase further to 100mcg, which I did after feeling no benefit from the 75mcg after 6 weeks.
Sorry if this is long winded, I'm trying to give as much info as I can!
Anyway, after increasing to 100mcg a day for 6 weeks, I have just done a full Medichecks panel and the results are:
TSH 1.48 (0.27-4.2)
FT4 21 (12-22) 90% through range
FT3 4.21 (3.1-6.8) 30% through range
Ferritin 47.8 (13-150)
B12 (Active) 129 (>37.5)
Folate 11.22 (>3.98)
Vit D 90.4 (50-175)
TPO antibodies 503 (<34)
TG ab 24.4 (<115)
So: to my question(s)!
I'm really flummoxed by this. T4 is right at the top of range, so any increase in Levo will take me over range and freak out my GP. I'm also surprised that the TSH is as high as it is, given such a high T4. Clearly, I am not converting well to FT3 and this probably explains why , to be honest, I am really not feeling much better at all since starting treatment. I have been supplementing iron, B vits (Igennus Super B, 1 per day) and Vit D (Better You spray, 3000IU per day) along with K2 and magnesium.
I would be extremely grateful if anyone could give me some advice as to where to go from here, as I can't figure it out at all. I am extremely reluctant to share these results with my GP at present, as I am virtually certain she will proclaim my results to be perfect, and suggest that my symptoms are due to another reason.
Many thanks for reading!