I've been having various neurological symptoms since March this year: started with a sensation of weakness in right arm then burning feet, progressed to numbness in hands and feet. I get pins and needles a lot and tingling in my extremities, and lots of muscle twitching. I've also noticed an occasional tremor in my fingers. All these symptoms get worse in hot weather or after a bath, and are more pronounced when I'm lying in bed. Fortunately it was a hot day when I visited the hospital for a neuro consultation (after a long wait) so she got to see the tremor at its worst.
It all seems like possible MS stuff, as I get occasional eye pain and the tingling sensation is sometimes in my forehead too. My right knee can go numb for hours at a time.
I do have Hashis (previous posts relate to my self treating with NDT due to dismal management by my GP) and have a history of B12 deficiency, which was initially treated with injections but this was stopped in 2012 and never resumed. I tested negative for PA in 2017 but was using a B12 spray at the time. I also have very low iron and vitamin D and have been supplementing and eating iron rich foods to try and address this.
The neurologist said she expects a forthcoming MRI scan to come back clear, and she feels B12 isn't the problem.
I supplement with magnesium citrate, methyl folate, D3 with K2 (spray), methylated B12 sublingual tabs plus a whole load of other stuff like zinc and selenium. It costs a fortune!
So... my MRI is on 18th November. I'm absolutely convinced I have MS, but should the scan come back clear I'd hope they'll do extensive blood tests. Should I stay off B12 and others beforehand, and if yes, when do I stop? I've read that I should give up a week or so beforehand, but also that it should be more like 3 months. I've only just resumed taking supplements after a break of a month or two, and did use a B complex for a short time but gave it up as I was feeling jittery and wasn't sure whether the complex was causing it.
Incidentally, I went for some food allergy testing privately - some think it's useful, others don't - but it did suggest low vitamin D and iron (which I already know) as well as low B3 and B5.
I take 2 grains of Thai NDT daily, started it in May or June, and seem to be doing fine on it. The neuro wrote to my GP informing them of what we'd discussed and that I'm on NDT, which is fine by me.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for the long post. This is extremely worrying - I've never experienced neurological symptoms before and I don't know what to expect.