I was diagnosed with autoimmune thyroiditis last month after a neck and thyroid ultrasound. I went to the doctor initially as have had a constant lump in my throat since June andbwas worried about throat cancer (I am 44 and haven't smoked since my early 20s but my dad had throat cancer). This hasn't been ruled out as the ultrasound technician told me this scan can't see throat tissue but looking online, I am wondering if it is related to my thyroid. Has anyone had a similar initial symptom?
I now have more symptoms (throat tightness and discomfort that radiates to my ears, tingling in hands and feet, lack of sensation in my skin and difficulty concentrating).
I got my blood test results last week and have a doctor's appointment soon and want to arm myself with as much information as possible beforehand. I am currently not on any medication. My thyroid results seem normal but I have low b12, ferritin, iron and folic acid. Should my doctor prescribe thyroid medication if the levels are ok or just deal with the deficiencies? I really want to resolve my throat issues as I am very uncomfortable. Here are my levels with ranges in brackets:
TSH: 2.29 (0.55-4.78)
FT4: 12.9 (11.5-22.7)
T3: 1.68 (0.92-2.79)
Anti thyroglobulin: 3.2 (<4.5)
PTH: 27.4 (15.0-65.0)
TPO: <28.0 (<60.0)
B12: 137 ng/l (211-911)
Folate: 4.7ng/ml (>5.4)
Vitamin D: 26.7 ng/ml (<20 deficient, 20-30 insufficient)
Iron: 49 ug/dl (50-170)
Ferritin: 13.8ug/l (10.0-291.0)
Any advice much appreciated. Finding this message board has been really helpful so thanks to all who have shared links and information.