Hi everyone. So my symptoms are confusion, disorientation, pins and needles, tiredness, anxiety, feeling colder, constipation every day, muscles and joints locking up and aching, dry skin all over legs. I have eczema which has gone on since I was a child (age 5) and I am now 32.
I had vitamin D tested in November 2013 and it came back at 42.5 (25 - 50 deficient) so GP prescribed me vitamin D 800iu. I was told by a friend in March 2014 that 800iu wasn't a lot so I upped it to 3000iu in March 2014 and in May 2015 my level was 53.6 (50 - 75 suboptimal) I continued taking 3000iu until January 2016 and my level was then 72 (50 - 75 suboptimal) I felt that my vitamin D wasn't improving as much as I'd like so I increased it to 5000iu and I am guessing the level must have gone down a lot because in May 2017 it was 70.5 (50 - 75 suboptimal) I have been taking 5000iu since then.
I was diagnosed iron deficient in August 2013 and started on iron tablets, 3 times a day since my periods were very clotty and heavy. My ferritin level was 15 (15 - 150) and MCV was below range and MCHC above range. An iron infusion done through haematology boosted my ferritin to 187 (15 - 150) but MCV remained below range and MCHC above range at around about the time of my period. At the moment I only take 1 iron tablet per day, I am not sure why. Ferritin was 101.5 in January 2017.
Ferritin in June 2017 58.3 (15 - 150)
I also have folate deficiency and I take 5mg folic acid per day since December 2016.
Folate in June 2017 2.3 (2.5 - 19.5)
I take B12 injections once every 3 months for possible B12 deficiency but for some reason my GP surgery has ordered an Intrinsic Fator Antibody test despite previous one coming back negative. Vitamin B12 last checked in February 2017, not checked I am guessing because the injections would have skewed results. Vitamin B12 went from 548.3 to below result within 3 weeks!
Vitamin B12 335 (190 - 900)
Any idea what to do next appreciated.