Note: intended to post on TUK forum - Any input re results from blood tests appreciated
25 minutes ago•1 Reply
Ferritin : 65.1: 13-150
magnesium : 0.90: 0.66 - 0.99
TSH : 0.01: 0.27 - 4.20
T4 Total : 83.1: 66 - 181
free T4 : 16.40: 12.0 - 22.0
free T3 : 4.61: 3.1 - 6.8
reverse T3 : 18.0: 10 - 24
reverse T3 ratio : 16.67
ATP abs : 105.0: <34
ATG abs : <10: <115
vit. d (25 OH) : 179
vit b12 : 1476 Normal for me
serum folate : 28.50: 8.83 - 60.8
Thank you for any help - thought Hashi was on the move with symptoms at present time.