tests results - any help greatly appreciated. - Thyroid UK

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tests results - any help greatly appreciated.

busterboy profile image
16 Replies

T4: 97 (59-154)

Free T3: 3.6 (3.6-6.8)

Free thyroxin:17.1 (12.0-2.20)

TSH: 3.97 (0.27-4.2)

Thyroid peroxide antibodies: 266.3(0.34)

THS receptor antibodies: 0.69 (0.81-3.00)

Vit. D: 10(50-200)

Serum zinc: 26.5(11-19)

Ferritin: 25 (13-150)

Magnesium and Selenium -  OK

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busterboy profile image
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16 Replies
Tinx71 profile image

Hi ,

I would say that your FT3 is too low, as is your iron and Vitamin D. 

Do you take any supplements at all?

What medication are you taking and how much and when?

How do you feel at the moment?


busterboy profile image
busterboy in reply to Tinx71

levothyroxine 75mgs daily. Am on B12 (PA diagnosed) and no supplements other than that. neurological symptoms + + zonked out, hair loss, diver's leaded boots etc. etc. - really not well or progressing. 

Tinx71 profile image
Tinx71 in reply to busterboy

I think you need to get your T3 in the mid to top range, take some iron with as much vitamin C as you can manage and vit D3 along with K2 for absorption. Sometimes a good multivitamin can help with providing the vitamin Bs for energy. Do you know what level your B12 is at? Have you had selenium checked? If you have hashimotos antibodies being gluten free apparently helps, some people have to eliminate corn, dairy and soy sometimes eggs. 

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Tinx71

If you want Bs, take a B complex, not a multi-vitamin. There are so many draw-backs to multivits. Preferably a B complex with methylcobalamin and methylfolate. But best to get the B12 tested before supplementing anything.  

Jazzw profile image

I'm not surprised you feel terrible. 

75mcg of levo isn't enough. Hard to say whether a raise would bring your FT3 off the bottom of the range but I'd say there needs to be a massive improvement in your ferritin levels for that to happen - needs to be 70+ for effective conversion of levo to T3. 

Your vitamin D status is pretty poor too.

Unfortunately B12 levels won't tell the real picture if you're on treatment already, but how often do you have your B12 shots? There's a good chance you need them more often but it's hard to say what's causing your symptoms cos it could be any one (or all of!):

Vit D deficiency

Ferritin deficiency

B12 deficiency or

Inadequate thyroid hormone replacement.

What was your doctor's reaction to those results??

busterboy profile image
busterboy in reply to Jazzw

These were private tests done by blue horizan as for GP nooooooo hope there. Need to understand all this before I can even think along those lines so that I can at least argue my case from an intelligent basis. Have written down vitamin supplementation suggested here and see what to next.

busterboy profile image
busterboy in reply to Jazzw

Can you give me any places to obtain the necessary replacement vitamins and how do I raise my T3. Somebody mentioned Vit. C as well. I would have to be stable and new blood tests after a period of time to even have a chance of my GP listening.  Very addicted to the set formula for both Thyroid and B12.  Maybe if I can get an even keel, seeing is believing.  I am sorry to keep bothering you all but brain fog awful, read and understand and then recall whoosh out the window. I have gone on thyroid advocacy and seen some sites but at a loss where to start and what to take so that I do not do something silly.  Thank you.

greygoose profile image

There's something a bit wrong with your FT4 range. It can't be (12.0 - 2.20) that's not logical. lol

Anyway, as others have said, your FT3 is shockingly low. Not surprised you feel bad. :)

busterboy profile image

Total thyroxine - 97 (59-154). Free thyroxine 17.1 (12.o-22.0). 

 Active B12 - 256.0 - (25.1-165.0).  Have settled on 1mg hydrox. every 2nd day and have felt a tad better. Purchased them from Germany as B12.org had no B12 in stock. Before that was almost on my hands and knees , head spinning and electric shocks all over my body plus all my neurological symptoms up and running at full steam.

Could I ask a question please. I switched my levo to the night time after seeing it on here in case I wasn't absorbing it properly and have had the weirdest experiences which I sort of noticed with a.m. dosage. I can feel a pulsating in the front of my throat, then hands burning, pain up my neck back and front and severe pain under my rib cage left hand side. Then teeth and head decide to join in, plus pains shooting all over my body and cramps ++ - this about half an hour after taking the tabs.  Has anyone experienced this before?

Carriebaby profile image

Where did you get all these tests done? As my GP won't do them 

busterboy profile image
busterboy in reply to Carriebaby

Blue horizon - saw it on here and decided to try them.

Carriebaby profile image
Carriebaby in reply to busterboy

Who took your blood to send back ? As think I will get this test dine how much if you don't mind me asking did it cost 

busterboy profile image
busterboy in reply to Carriebaby

It cost me £400. approximately - a friend took my blood samples and posted as I was unable to get the post office my self. Wish they had included a few more which I saw mentioned on here but have forgotten what they were. Reverse something.  Perhaps others can advise as I am not up on all this.  Hope this helps you.

Carriebaby profile image

Where did you get these tests done 

Jazzw profile image
Jazzw in reply to Carriebaby

Carrie, Blue Horizon do a range of lab tests where you take the blood yourself using a fingerprick - no phlebotomist required. Their thyroid 10 test is good value at £99 - £89 if you use the Thyoid UK coupon TUK10 at the checkout. 

Hold on, will find you a direct link...

Jazzw profile image
Jazzw in reply to Jazzw

Here you go


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