Going to be going back to retest (after waiting to see if my T3 levels would magically jump up to where they need to be without changing any medication), and I'm mulling what tests to ask for. Of course, TSH, T3, and T4. I have never been tested for antibodies, but if those come out positive, what do I ask for in terms of treatment?
B12, Folate, and Vitamin D have all been tested. Last time I got tested I went off all supplements except for Niacin which functions as my control of cholesterol levels. This time, I am staying off all other supplements, but adding back in the B12 and Vitamin D. I'd like to see what the levels are for those two when I am supplementing to make sure that I'm not going overboard.
My podiatrist advised me to start taking 5,000 IU of Vitamin D after the test of October, 2017. Prior to that I was taking 1,000 IU.
I haven't had ferritin tested, but I have had two other iron-related tests done in the past: Iron (84 Ug/dL, range 30 - 160 Ug/dL) and TIBC (336 Ug/dL, range 228 - 428). They stayed pretty steady.
Some experts recommend that B12 levels should be at least 600 pg/mL, and over 1,000 pg/mL to maximize mental functioning. By that measure, my B12 was a little low without supplementation. I'm also curious, since I don't drink cow's milk (almond milk on occasion), whether I need to be supplementing with calcium. Does that need to be tested? And what other nutrients should I have tested?