I’ve had an spot with endo today after waiting 2 months . I have been ill now since 5 th September with 5 weeks off work . Since 5th September I’ve had my Levo increased twice then decreased after dragging myself back to gp on 8th October crying because I was so unwell . I insisted on vitamins being tested and anti bodies as although I’ve been diagnosed since 2011 anti bodie have never been tested. My Tsh t4 and t3 were also retested less than a month after med increase !
Results ;
Sept tsh 15.7 range 0.27-4.2
T4 14 range 12-22.0
T3 2.7 range 3.1-6.8
Ferritin 37 range 13-150
Levo increased from 125/150 alternate days to 150 daily
October results
Tpo 62 range 0-5.61 other antibodies not tested despite request
Tsh 0.052 ! What how ? Ranges as above
T4 18.6
T3 3.7
Vit d 77
Folate 8.2 range 3.1 -20.5
B12 226 range 187-883 ( same as a year ago)
So gp spoke to head endo and t4 was reduced to 100 trial t3 10 much daily advised to take multi vitamin with phosphate in it as inorganic phosphate is low ? And prescribed iron tablets as ferritin levels low . I bought sublingual b12 1000 . Asked for b12 injections advised to discuss with endo
So just started to feel better saw endo today basically asked me what he thought he could do? I pointed out that b12 ferritin and folate levees were all low and should be in upper 25% of range . He nodded said I needed to ask gp about b12 injections I stated that all I wanted was to feel as well as I possibly can . He asked if I was drinking over the recommended limits 🤣
I also pointed out that as far as I was aware low vit/ min levels were also characteristic of hypo . I said there was nothing he coykd do for me ? But he was happy for me to seek a second opinion and had referred me to a haemotologist low phosphate levels and abnormal mch and mcv? No mention of hashis or consider dietary changes 😬
Just feel totally disillusioned and fed up on the positive I am feeling better just fatigued . He will not change thyroid meds until retested in about 3 weeks which I fair enough . I have found an article on this forum about long term effects of low b12 . I’m printing it off and back to gp,
Sorry ranting but so fed up any advice is very welcome