have been under active for 22 years, since going on a low fat diet lost 31/2 stone, that was a year ago But they decided to reduce my thyroxine as I was on 200mcg they said too high. now take 150 and now weigh more than a year ago, my skin has dry patches , i am tired ,face is puffy and gp agrees not thyrotoxic.
My first results were Free t4 19.4 (range 12-21.5) Free t3 3.1 (range 3.2-8) and tsh 1.5 (range 1.5 - 5)
suggestions were t3 conversion, and got appointment with endo for next week.
New bloods taken ready are Free t4 15.2 (range 10-25) Free t3 4.1 (range 2.8-7) and tsh 0.14 (range 0.4-4)
also ferritin level was 142 range (15-150)
Take 2000 vit d3 and citalopran for depression and various painkillers,
does it look like they will reduce it again? barely functioning as it is, please help.
sorry for rant x