Update thyroid antibody test results: Hi all. I... - Thyroid UK

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Update thyroid antibody test results

pj16 profile image
6 Replies

Hi all. I received the results of thyroid tests from Blue Horizon.

TOTAL THYROXINE(T4) 99 nmol/L 59 - 154


(This was taken late morning. Recent test with Medichecks was 3.34 mIU/L 0.27 - 4.20)

FREE THYROXINE 16.0 pmol/l 12.0 - 22.0

FREE T3 4.0 pmol/L 3.1 - 6.8

Thyroglobulin Antibody * 431.0 IU/mL 0-115

Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies 10.6 IU/mL 0 - 34

I am desperate to get to the bottom of my symptoms and suspect there is more than one issue going on. My main symptoms are leg/foot pain (and recently new burning shins!), tingling/numbness hands/feet, cold extremities, weight gain, high heart rate when walking, epigastric pain, bloating, gas, constipation, hair loss etc, etc!

Other recent tests which may be relevant are

Serum vitamin B12 177 ng/L (145 – 910)

Folate (serum) 6.56 ug/L (2.91 - 50.00)

25 OH Vitamin D 62.9 nmol/L (50.00 - 200.00)

Iron *27.07 umol/L (6.60 - 26.00)

TIBC 69.17 umol/L (41.00 - 77.00)

Transferrin saturation 39.14 % (20.00 - 55.00)

Ferritin 37 ug/L (13.00 - 150.00)

Haemoglobin (G/L) 129g/L (115 - 155)

HCT 0.379 L/L (0.33 - 0.45)

Red cell count 4.11 x10^12/L (3.95 - 5.15)

MCV 92 fl (80.00 - 99.00)

MCH 31.4 pg (26.00 - 33.50)

MCHC (G/L) 342 g/L (300.00 - 350.00)

RDW 14.0 % (11.50 - 15.00)

I have an appointment to see my GP next week but I suspect she will say my thyroid results are fine but are they?

Does anyone think it's still worth having MMA, homocysteine levels or anything else tested?

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6 Replies
SlowDragon profile image

Yes, to testing MMA and homocysteine

Your vitamin B12 and folate are too low, B12 is much too low

High TG antibodies can be Pernicious Anaemia or Hashimoto's


GP should run full testing for PA

Burning feet & shins is likely peripheral neuropathy. Can be due to mix of low B12/other B vitamins and low vitamin D



Vitamin D is low, but not low enough for GP to treat

Ferritin also low, again GP unlikely to look as its within range

humanbean or SeasideSusie may comment on iron and ferritin results

Ask GP for coeliac blood test. Also magnesium.

Looking for cause of gut issues and low vitamins

If coeliac test is negative, you may very likely still benefit from strictly gluten free diet

Getting vitamins optimal is likely to improve symptoms

It may also increase a TSH so that you may get hypothyroidism recognised as underlying issue

pj16 profile image
pj16 in reply to SlowDragon

Hi SlowDragon. Hope you are well and thanks for replying. Does it sound mad to say that I'm a bit shocked but pleased? I've been so used to being told everything is 'normal' that it's perversely satisfying to get an abnormal result. Twisted thinking eh? I suppose that's a sign of desperation for answers. I've an appointment to see GP next week (for vulvodynia and stomach issues for the umpteenth time) so I'll discuss private results and the possibility of further testing with her then. Must admit I'm a tad nervous! Will continue to post updates.

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to pj16

Getting vitamins optimal and strictly gluten free diet are likely to really help.....but your GP likely to be completely dismissive of gluten intolerance

I use to think gluten intolerance was an airy fairy non thing ....turned out to be severely gluten intolerant (virtually no typical or obvious gut symptoms)

pj16 profile image
pj16 in reply to SlowDragon

Hi SlowDragon. Apologies as I meant to reply to this sooner. It's been a mad few days. Your advice has been great and I appreciate it so much. I'm definitely going to try gluten free but will wait to see if I can get GP to test for Coeliac first. GP did tell me that if when I see her this Wednesday 4 weeks of Omeprazole hasn't helped stomach issues (which it hasn't) she might refer me to a gastroenterologist. Maybe that way I could have other tests done. Do you mind if I ask how you discovered you were severely gluten intolerant? I'm also going to strive to optimise levels of D, B12, ferritin and folate but will have to do more research into cofactors, dosages etc first. Up until a month ago I knew ZERO about vitamin deficiencies, antibodies, anaemia, thyroid issues etc but I'm learning fast! Best regards to you.

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to pj16

Full details on my profile....but basically.... Hashimoto's diagnosed 25 years ago. Extremely unwell on Levothyroxine.

tested negative coeliac blood test 20 years ago.

2016 after year reading this forum, realised low vitamin levels often result.

Full Thyroid and vitamin tested, as recommended on here. Showed low vitamin D and magnesium, likely meant gluten issues. Tested negative for coeliac again.

Struggling walk, or barely stand. Gastroenterologist recommended endoscopy.

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to pj16

Taking a PPI lowers stomach acid and will affect the absorption of vitamins and minerals - especally B12. Could you try more natural treatments ? ACV ?

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