Hi Everyone, well just received my results from BH.
I have been considering going back to levo as thyroid symptoms have developed again with this new batch of NDT, Nature Throid!!!
Can you please help me to understand the figures better..
hs CRP 0.87 < 5.0
Ferritin 116.0 13-150
vit D 83
vit b12 571
serum folate 45.40 8.83 -60.8
TSH 0.37 0.27-4.20
t4 L58.4 66-181
free t4 L 11.10 12.0 - 22.0
free t3 5.40 3.1 - 6.18
Anti thyroidperozidase abs 142 <34
Anti thyroidglobulin abs H 4000 115
Doctors comments were to get in touch with my doctor.
Thanks in advance
Christina x