I just had results back from my private nutritionist I did two tests urine markers test and gi comprehensive stool test. Well it revealed I have bacterial imbalance leaky gut and I might have SIBO too (it gave indications) now waiting for SIBO test to be done and candida test. Also it showed Iam deficient in vitamin b12 ferritin (I checked last time was 24) and magnesium and all the other b vitamins in borderline . So I have a question Iam on ndt right now 1/4 and 1/4 been for a long time and once I up my dose I feel so worse and my tinitus this morning just is going nuts my ears are in pain I have huge eye pain headache sounds in head I feel weak muscle pains aches falling hair constipation etc my last lab results tsh 2.08 ft4 13.8 and ft3 4.2. But when I upped my dose to 1/2 morning and 1/4 ndt afternoon I feel so so worse . And it happens every time I want to increase the dose . I had DIO2 gene test done ages ago and one of my genes were fault which says I have difficulty to convert from t4 to t3. Would it be great idea if I could drop to 1/4 and 1/4 and add t3 a very tiny bit as Iam very sensitive ? I found one pharmacy in Germany were they do compound t3 just from pure olive oil no other fillers . My nutritionist put me on magnesium Malate suppliment and twice a week to soak my feet for 40-50min , I started to take b12 vitamin Highly absorbable form and Jarrows b12 1000 units lozinges (she didn’t put me on high vitamin b complex as she wants to do it gradually to increase my b vitamins as many people have reactions from vit b suppliments) than I started to take iron-c pure encapsulations 28mg daily . My vit e ,c,d,selenium etc are in good condition means optimal . What should I do now? I can not do rt3 test as don’t have money and will do order in the end of this month but what shall I do for now with my thyroid medication? Iam so desperate this ringing in ears just giving me such a huuuge headache I woke up this morning with louder sounds in my ears!
Rt3 concerns and low vitamin levels: I just had... - Thyroid UK
Rt3 concerns and low vitamin levels

Why do you want to do an rT3 test? What do you think it will tell you that you don't already know?
So what do you suggest grey goose ?
Well, I suggest you save your money by not doing that test, for a start. If your rT3 were high, it wouldn't be because of high FT4, so you wouldn't know what to do about it, anyway. But, it would probably be due to your low ferritin.
Are you sure you're getting enough iron with that supplement? Because it doesn't sound like much, and your ferritin is so very low, that must be causing an awful lot of problems for you. Can you eat liver? That might be a better way of raising it. But something serious needs to be done about it.
I'm not sure there's much point in taking the B12 if you're not taking the B complex, because the Bs all work together. Certainly B12 won't work without good levels of folate - how is your folate? And, I've not heard of many people reacting badly to B supplements. And you won't know if you do if you don't try it. I think she's being over-cautious.
Have you thought of trying T3 only? You could be reacting badly to T4 - I did. Even if you don't, NDT doesn't suit everyone. No point in insisting if you don't get on with it.
My folate is in borderline also so Iam taking dr best folate 400 units a day now .my ferritin yes it was 24 and Iam not sure if 28mcg will give me any much help maybe I should request something urgent from nutritionist on my appoitment ? I am taking b12 complex but low doses to start with it’s called Liquid Merhyl B complex BioCAre as a start on low dose and Jarrows Lozenges she said I have to do this for 2-3 weeks and than she will translate me on higher doses b vitamin complex which will be next week hopefully. Yes I can eat liver which iam doing now . How someone know if there is convention problems? Does ferritin and vie b12 and magnesium play a big part of conversion and rt3 if deficient?
Iam looking into t3 just need prescription next week from gp and than wait for two three weeks for it to come
You can find out how well you convert by comparing your FT3 result with your FT4.
All vitamins and minerals have their role to play. And ferritin and B12 need to be optimal for you body to be able to use thyroid hormone correctly. That's not just conversion, but absorption and all the rest. But, I'm not sure if they are specifically used in conversion. The two that I know are necessary for good conversion are zinc and selenium. Magnesium is more concerned with vit D, it's a co-factor of vit D. But, I believe vit D is necessary for good conversion. Everything is linked in some way, which is why we need all our nutrients optimal.
I read magnesium is needed for conversion too ..
Could u please explain me in detail about conversion how u look at labs just give me example please so I know next time please . I can not be thank ful in such hard times to say thank u for all ur help
OK, so you have FT4 17.5 (12 - 22) and FT3 5 (3.1 - 6.8) for example. Both are more or less mid-range, conversion is good. But, if you have FT4 19 and FT3 4.5, conversion is poor. At that point, doctors tend to increase the levo, FT4 goes up to 21.5, but FT3 stays the same. Why? Because past a certain point, T4 starts to convert to more rT3 than T3, so the rT3 goes high. People say you need the rT3 to see how well you're converting, but you don't. If your FT4 is 21.5 and your FT3 is 4.5 with those ranges, you obviously don't convert well. You don't need an rT3 test to tell you that. You can see it.
So do you think that vitamin deficiencies can lead to such symptoms ? The thing is my t3 doesn’t move at all it’s always 4.2 just t4 is moving slightly and tsh is going better . Iam addressing all sort of gut issues too with nutritionist. What would be ur advice please at this time for me ? Should I add bit of t3 ? How it works Iam on 1/4 and 1/4 ndt
Half a grain of NDT is a miniscule dose. That's only 19 mcg T4 and 4.5 mcg T3. You wouldn't expect your levels to rise on that dose. How long have you been on that dose? But, if you have problems raising it, then you obviously need to optimise your nutrients. You could try adding in some T3, certainly, see how it goes.
OK, so you've got a leaky gut, which you're working on. But, do you know the state of your stomach acid? Low stomach acid could be the reason for your low nutrients. And, if you don't address that, they will continue to be low. So, perhaps you should find out if you have low stomach acid.
I'm pretty certain that your low T3, plus your nutritional deficiencies, will be causing all your symptoms.