Got my ultrasound results, still no idea what the heck hit my thyroid hormones if not Hashimotos. Ugh. Results:
The right lobe measures 38mm in length and the left measures 37mm. The isthmic region measures 3mm.
No cystic or solid masses of other thyroid abnormalities detected.
Normal bilateral lymph nodes noted.
All other findings are unremarkable.
Summary: Normal thyroid ultrasound.
So fricking confused. In 2013 was the beginning of a horrible tonsillitis, had a tonsillectomy 6 months ago. I’ve considered that may have resulted in thyroiditis (hence increased TSH 8 months apart and decreased T4/T3) but does not explain the 70 pounds gained in 6-8 months in late 2008 to early 2009. Only half of that period I was sedentary (laid off work), otherwise was getting a good workout at the warehouse job.
I really hope that weight gain wasn’t due to lifestyle, when the tonsillitis hit years later I may have hurt my thyroid by prematurely going on 125mcg NDT. The way I see it, going off of thyroid medication could be a repeat failure, lost 2 years can’t lose 2 more (going off then going back on to the dose), only variable now is I have no tonsils. Bringing up my T4/T3 could be done sooner and I can see how I feel.
Only evidence I have is anecdotal, how I felt going off medication (weight gain, sleeping 12-16 hours, muscle cramps, barely digest food, waking up at night with pelvic/back pain trigger to go to washroom, same symptoms before going on NDT) and how I’ve been feeling as doses increased.
Only thing I can think of in regards to nutrient deficiencies since my Ferritin has always been fine (triple digits until very recently at 75) and Vitamin D is fine is the B12.
My first B12 result was 457 (156-698) but the supplements could’ve interfered, most recently 4 months ago was bit over range (discontinued supplements some months before that but may have lingered in system) but 2 years ago it was barely in range 166 (153-655). Will need to retest it soon.
I also have non-alcoholic fatty liver though that’s a chicken or egg question. Does the liver simply affect T4 to T3 conversion or can decrease both hormones?
Also diagnosed with PTSD, can that stress factor decrease thyroid hormones?
Having an MRI in December to investigate Temporal Lobe Epilepsy, can that affect thyroid hormones?
Seeing a Gastroenterologist in August. Have tested negative for Celiac and Lactose Intolerance, Hydrogen raises suggesting SIBO though I’ve read that can be connected to Hypothyroidism.
Off of thyroid medication (both before NDT (so before 2014) and when was off of it (2016) my digestive symptoms were similar to gastroparesis which I’ve read can be linked to hypothyroidism. Hard to digest food, several bowels, this however improved with thyroid medication (to at least reach formed and regular albeit constipated stools). But this can go back to the liver and again, chicken or egg dilemma.
Have considered that me and my brother should see a neurologist to investigate possible muscular dystrophy disorders. But I don’t see how that would decrease thyroid hormones, rather only increases chance for Hashimotos.
I considered that the chance to develop Hashimotos may run in the family, my brother who is 11 years younger has TPOab 32 (<35) though thyroid function fine for now. I do need to get my mother to check her thyroid function. The ultrasound report could be false but sometimes the most simple answer is the best.
I had created a thread earlier if you’d like to check the history of labs, but to sum it up.
TSH hits 5.30 and 4.20 8 months apart in 2013-2014, T4/T3 at 36%/24% of range, went up to 125mcg/2grains NDT for 2 years.
Manipulated to go off of it (TSH suppressed but T4/T3 in bottom third, barely in range B12, undiagnosed Vitamin D deficiency).
3 weeks later TSH restores to 2.50 and remains that way, meanwhile over 8 months T4/T3 (with unchanging TSH) were dipping to bottom/below range to finally stabilize at just below third of range (had regularly been on B12, B-Complex, and Vitamin D during period, Iron fine).
Convinced doctor to trial me on Synthroid, on ADHD stimulants TSH drops ~1.5 points and remains around ~0.50 with no subsequent rise in T4/T3. TSH remains around ~0.50 on dosed 75mcg, 88mcg, 100mcg though improved symptoms in relation to, IMO, slowly moving FT4. Finally climbed to 112mcg Synthroid, TSH now 0.26 (just under range), T4/T3 at 37%/36%. Since TPOab and TGab in range, ultrasound performed and found normal ruling out Hashimotos.