Hi everyone
I’ve just had my first private bloods back today and would like your opinions please.
My symptoms have been these for ten years or so.. extreme fatigue, sore and weak muscles, brain fog, confusion, memory loss, no sex Drive what so ever and probably more that I can’t remember.
I had a NHS test on 8th May which was taken at 10.40 am and I had fasted. The result of my TSH was 1.23 mU/l (0.350 - 4.94)
I decided to get my bloods tested via Medichecks. My test was taken at 9.30 and I had fasted.
My medichecks results are as follows
FT4 - 18.9 pmol/L (12 pmol/L - 22 pmol/L)
TSH - 2.35 MlU/L (0.27 MlU/L - 4.2 MlU/L)
FT3 - 5.22 pmol/L (3.1 pmol/L - 6.8 pmol/L)
TGAB - 10 lU/ml (0 lU/ml - 115 lU/ml)
TPOAB - 15 IU/ml ( 0 IU/ml - 34 IU/ml)
Ferritin - 120 ug/L (30 ug/L - 400 ug/L)
Vitamin D - 44.9 nmol/L (50 nmol/L - 200 nmol/L)
Vitamin B12 - 56.6 pmol/L (25.1 pmol/L - 165 pmol/L)
Folate - 5.24 ug/L (2.9 ug/L - 50 ug/L)
These are the comments left by the doctor
Here are the results of your Thyroid Check UltraVit.
We note that you are taking this test to diagnose a condition.
We are pleased to report that all your results for your thyroid profile are within the normal ranges. Your thyroid hormones are normal as are your thyroid antibodies revealing no evidence of autoimmune thyroid disease.
You have normal vitamin B12 levels.
You have normal levels of folate.
Your vitamin D levels show that you have vitamin D insufficiency. This may progress to vitamin D deficiency if you don’t take steps to increase your vitamin D levels. We recommend supplementing with 20-50 mcg (800 -2000 iu) of vitamin D per day for twelve weeks.
Low levels of vitamin D can cause fatigue, bodily aches, poor memory and difficulties concentrating.
Outside of the winter months there is enough sun for your skin to make at least part of your daily requirement of vitamin D, so it is worth trying to get 15-20 minutes of midday sun when the sun is out. Vitamin D can also be found in fortified foods such as breakfast cereals, tofu and some fruit juices. The only reliable natural source of vitamin D is in oily fish, although it can also be found in some mushrooms (portobello, maitake, morel, button, and shiitake are particularly good), you can improve this by leaving the mushrooms in the sun before cooking them.
It is important to test your vitamin D levels regularly - most people in the UK are insufficient or deficient in this vital vitamin. We suggest that you repeat your vitamin D test in 8-12 weeks to ensure that your levels have returned to normal. Once your levels have returned to normal then you can decrease your vitamin D supplementation to 10 mcg (400 iu) per day.
Your CRP level is normal, suggesting low levels of inflammation within the body.
Your ferritin level is normal indicating healthy iron stores.
Thanks for reading, comments will be appreciated!