Hi , I have been on the sidelines reading posts for just over a year or so. I am greateful for all the information that I have acquired over that time. But I am a bit confused at the moment and wonder if anyone can help me? This is my first post , so please bear with me. I was first diagnosed as hyperthyroid in 1986 and started on carbimazole, so long ago I cannot remember how much.
After having 2 children and returning to a normal thyroid level, the carbimazole was stopped and I seemed normal. I was told at the time that if my symptoms returned to go back to my GP.
. Fast forward to May 2016 when I had a severe bout of tummy flu, where I collapsed and had 10 days in hospital. As an inpatient I had several blood tests, scans and angiograms. My diagnosis was a thyroid storm. Which resulted from several nodules on my thyroid. The cardiologist has since discharged me to the endocrinologist,who I find very difficult to deal with. But that seems to be the norm. They are now trying to bully me into having radium treatment, even though the last scans have shown that the goitre nodules have disappeared.
I was commenced in May 2016 on carbimazole 80mgs per day. Which has been reduced to 5mg every second day. But after last trip last week the dr increased it to 10mg daily for one month , the 5mg until I return next September. As I felt wrecked on the carbimazole, I asked to go on another tablet, but no go from the doctor. I was threatened with a reduction in my white blood cell count.
So I have stopped taking my carbimazole altogether,and feel brilliant. It has been 10 days now, and I haven't felt so good in years. But I am slightly concerned as I do not know if this will lead me back to A&E as the thyroid storm in 2016 was a bit scary.
Can you please have a look at my bloods? They will only do T3 if you are an inpatient. So I will post the 1st and last posts I live in a remote part of the British Isles, so I am not sure if horizon is a possibility for me. First blood test while as an inpatient, June 2016
Free T4 81.4 pmol/L (10.5 to 22.0)
Total T3 4.87 nmol/L (1.08 to 2.90)
TSH<0.02 mIU/L (0.27 to 4.20)
Anti TPO Abs 1510 IU/ml 0-40
My latest 23/1/2018
Free T4 18.5 pmol (10.5 to 22.0)
TSH <0.02mIU/L (0.27 to 4.20)
Many thanks for looking at theses. The endocrinologist seems to be more focuses on my cholesterol levels than anything else but that's another story. I wold be greatful to know if I Have graves or hyperthyroidism or hashimotos . I take a good multivitamin and stick to a gluten free diet. Also take vit D and selenium.