I had some thyroid blood test results this year (included below) because I was experiencing hypo symptoms. I get very tired, depressed, can find it hard to think at times, get cold easily, have dry skin and I am putting on weight with a low metabolism (it used to be very fast). I am only 20 years old.
I got my bloods done earlier this year at the GP (01/18 results below) and was told all was fine. But, I noticed my FT3 and FT4 are on the low end of normal.
A few months later I went to a private endocrinologist (05/18 results below) and the results he obtained were virtually identical. But, the endo told me that there’s nothing wrong with me, it’s normal to gain weight on 1600 calories a day, and it must be other hormones causing me to eat more than I think and gain weight that way (not true - I count very exactly).
Thyroid blood test results from this year (2018):
FT4: 13.3 pmol/L (12.0-22.0)
FT3: 4.1 pmol/L (3.5-7.7)
TSH: 2.47 mU/L (0.27-4.2)
Thyroglobulin antibody: 105 IU/mL (0-115)
Thyroid Peroxidase antibodies: 14.3 IU/mL (0-33)
FT4: 13.3 pmol/L (12.0-22.0)
TSH: 2.10 mIU/L (0.27-4.2)
Thyroglobulin antibody: 113 IU/mL (0-115)
Thyroid Peroxidase antibodies: 14.3 IU/mL (0-34)
I came across some thyroid blood test results from when I was in hospital two years ago (not from anything thyroid related, thyroid tests were just done as part of routine bloods). And, as you can see, my TSH has risen since 2016 and my FT4 has decreased.
Thyroid blood test results from 2016 (in 2016 my metabolism was slower than it used to be but not as bad as now).
FT4: 16 pmol/L (12.0-22.0)
TSH: 1.02 mU/L (0.27-4.2)
FT4: 16.3 pmol/L (12.0-22.0)
TSH: 1.36 mU/L (0.27-4.2)
FT4: 16.7 pmol/L (12.0-22.0)
TSH: 1.28 mU/L (0.27-4.2)
So, what’s going on here? Am I being a hypochondriac as everyone seems to think? If I’m not, then how do I find a dr/endo will listen to me?