Hello everyone,
I’m new here and paid for some private blood tests in Jan 2018 due to feeling like I’ve symptoms of underactive thyroid for about 10-12 years. I am a 31 year old female, 5ft 8 and usually normal build plus been pescatarian for the past 2 years.
I was wondering if someone could have a look at my results and give me their opinion? I’ve seen some of the crazy high TSH and Antibody results on here so just wondering if mine are high enough to actually be causing these problems.
TSH H 4.54 (0.27 - 4.20 mIU/L)
T4 Total 83.2 (66 - 181 nmol/L)
Free T4 14.70 (12.0 - 22.0 pmol/L)
Free T3 5.62 (3.1 - 6.8 pmol/L)
Reverse T3* 17.0 (10 - 24 ng/dL)
Reverse T3 ratio 21.52 (Normal >15 Ratio, Borderline 12-15, Low <12)
Anti-Thyroidperoxidase abs 18.5 (<34 kIU/L)
Anti-Thyroglobulin Abs H 408 (<115 kU/L)
Extra Tests
HbA1c-(IFCC) 28 (20 - 42 mmol/mol)
hs-CRP 0.20 (<5.0 mg/L)
Ferritin L 12.9 (13 - 150 ug/L)
Magnesium 0.86 (0.66 - 1.07 mmol/L)
Insulin 80.9 (<173(Fasting) pmol/L)
Vitamin D (25 OH) L 34 (Deficient <25 nmol/L, Insufficient 25 – 50, Consider reducing dose >175)
Vitamin B12 303 (Def <145 pmol/L, Insuf 145 – 250, reducing dose >569)
Serum Folate 18.40 (8.83 - 60.8 nmol/L)
Doctor’s TFT 2014
TSH 1.75 (0.35 – 5)
FT4 13.7 (9 – 21)
TT3 1.5 (0.9 – 2.5)
Doctor’s TFT 2012
TSH 4.1 (0.35 – 5)
FT4 13 (9 – 21)
Looking at my medical history, in previous tests my Alkaline Phosphatase has been low at 43 (40 -140) in 2012 and 31 (40-150) in 2008 when it was 118 in 2006 and 123 in 2003. I’m not sure if that could be linked? Also my white blood count is usually at the lower end of the scale and in 2014 my Lymphocytes were below range. I haven’t had recent blood work other than the private test so can’t really compare properly.
Some history, signs and symptoms that might be related:
My mother and her sister both diagnosed hypo (prob didn’t have Ab tests)
My gran (mother’s side) recently diagnosed pernicious anemia
My aunt (father’s side) had partial thyroidectomy at age 25
Suspect my dad has Thyroid problems but he refuses to get tested
History of bad sore throats and tonsillitis which penicillin wouldn’t shift
I had Glandular Fever 2005/2006
Diagnosed with depression 2014 – Prozac for 8 months, some periods of bad anxiety too
Hospital stay (2 nights) 2014, suspected viral meningitis though not confirmed.
Always cold – esp lower legs, feet, hands, nose (min 15 tog duvet, full pjs and socks year round)
Never get restful sleep – tired in morning, tired early evening, energy boost 10/11pm
Constant tight, achy muscles, itchy legs too. Can feel wiped out and breathless after walking up stairs – general weak feeling and felt like I had nothing more to give when I trained for a 10k in 2014 – strong metallic taste in mouth during last few weeks of training.
Mostly constipated recently (Bristol 1/2) although had bad IBS around 2013 – 2015
I feel like I have to urinate a lot more than people too
People say I look normal but I feel my face is puffier than usual, I sometimes have face ache around my eyes and I currently have a 37” waist which I can’t seem to shift so feel bloated(have a 31” chest (ribcase) to put it in perspective)
Loss of libido and my periods have become lighter most days with one heavy day and also shorter
Pain and dysfunction in left knee and right ball of foot
I seem slow to heal in terms of skin etc, nails have a lot of ridges and bulges
The skin on my face and scalp is very dry but I have always had acne on face, scalp, chest and esp back and I go through phases of losing a lot of hair in the shower plus dark patches under eyes.
Currently also getting food sensitivity issues which might be histamine intolerance?
Sorry for the long post, just thought it was better to put the info out there in the first instance. Any comments appreciated. I’ve read quite a bit about Hashi’s and understand the possible links with Gluten and Dairy (happy to trial removing these) and also know of the different meds for thyroid (although reckon Levo would be the only option from my doctor anyway) so really just seeking reassurance that I’m not totally mental and that it does seem like I have a thyroid problem (whether cancer or underactive)?
Personally, from the research I’ve done, I think there’s a chance it’s Hashi’s looking at my figures but don’t know why my T3 is higher end of normal and my TPO isn’t elevated? Do you think there’s any chance of getting a diagnosis from the doctor with these or am I likely to be a ‘wait and see’? Also, is there anything else I should ask/pay to get tested? If I can’t get a diagnosis, will my blood work Improve (and will I feel better) if I just supplement D3 and Iron (and Selenium?) plus change my diet to Gluten and Diary free? Or should I wait til I get worse before changing these things?