NB: I realise it's nearly Xmas - I won't take any action (except online) until next week, more likely January. So please tell me if I should bring this question up after the season's over, instead. I wanted to do the typing asap today for fear of losing the bits of paper by tomorrow.
These results are nearly six years old - from when I was hyperthyroid. Was never told Grave's or anything specific; took carbimazole for 15 months and was fine.
Two reasons I'm asking about results that are so old. Mainly, I think these mean I couldn't possibly have Hashimoto's, then or now. But what do I know?
Also some things showed up that weren't mentioned to me. Maybe some are to be expected while I was very hyper. Others, I can't tell if they improved and I don't know if carbimazole would improve them. Most I don't know if they relate to the thyroid. And another point; if there's something that only gets worse as time passes, and it was aready at a bad level back then, I'd like to know!
I also have my recent tests but that's only TSH. It was 0.72 (two months ago) and I haven't been given the range. I cannot get T3 and T4 tested on the NHS. The GP says she can't overrule that, the lab simply won't do it while the TSH is within range. She also can't refer me back to endocrinology, nowadays the GP writes to the consultant, who tells the GP how to treat, and that's all. Our conversation didn't even get as far as asking for antibodies or B12 and all the rest, it really wasn't worth speaking to her. She doesn't even think it's worth knowing what is pushing my b/p up this year after twenty years relatively stable.
Everything else on the recent test was for the routine diabetes check-up. I was surprised to see an asterisk by one value - that's the lab flagging it up, isn't it? It is the plasma creatinine level, 52 umol/L. No range but online I *think*, if I've understood correctly, I saw this should be >74? I'm surprised not to be told if something is out of range, but probably because I didn't get to the check-up appointment (ill on that day). Online I've only learnt that this is linked to low muscle mass / muscle wastage, and I'm surprised it's low when urea isn't... but I don't know what I'm talking about with these.
(I've spent all week getting hold of these results - and now I know I'm definitely going to leave this GP practice! My new GP is the worst kind. The online system for patients to log into their own records doesn't show these results, only what were tested but with all the values blank. There's nothing to keep me with Gloucestershire any more, my former GP, the secretary I used to know well, and my lovely diabetes consultant and nurse have all retired or left. Even the pharmacy has become frighteningly unreliable after being great for years. I've lived in Wiltshire for a long time and will finally move to the more local GP practice in the new year. At least it's an easy decision, after this week's arguments!)
In 2012:
thyroid peroxidase antibody <20 iu/mL (comment: <60 negative, 60-100 doubtful, >101 positve)
serum free triiodothyronine >30 pmol/L (range 3.9-6.7) - this is FT3, isn't it?
I was put on carbimazole straight away. A week or so later, this was 18 pmol/L.
serum free T4 >95 pmol/L (range 10-24.5)
In the later test this was 42.1 pmol/L.
serum TSH <0.05 miu/L (range 0.2-5.5)
In the later test this was still <0.05 miu/L.
There is a note: Thyrotoxicosis. Surprise!
Those are the only ones which I'm sure are thyroid related. Others that interest me:
Serum albumin, serum creatinine, total white blood count, basophil count, eosinophil count (observation), neutrophil count, haemoglobin concentration, haematocrit.
Later the total white blood and eosinophil had crept just into range.
Whereas Hb concentration slipped below range by then.
Low but within range:
Serum total protein, serum creatine kinase, lymphocyte count, mean cell haemoglobin, mean cell volume, total white blood count, neutrophil count.
(Is creatine kinase the same as creatinine?)
Serum alanine aminotransferase: 43 iu/L, range <33.
Some without numbers:
anti-nuclear factor level: positive
(I assume I can ignore all negatives, only positive results matter?)
autoimmunity profile - lab comment: ANA titre >1:80
In total there are nearly three A4 pages from March-April 2012. If more detail would help, can I post them as an image? too much typing!
Many thanks in advance for any insights!