Hi everyone,
So last week I posted asking for advice on t3 as I am convinced somehow t4 is no longer working properly , I had my gp appointment booked and was considering buying a t3 blood test online if he wasn't willing to test me.
Iv never been tested for any other than tsh and t4 however been diagnosed by another surgery years ago as hashimotos and have been on 150mcg since 2010.
The last few months iv been feeling really depressed, anxious, suicidal and have noticed my once flat stomach is now flabby, I'm definitely back to pre-thyroxine weight.
Iv tried cutting milk / most dairy, gluten & wheat, eat mostly chicken, salads (non cruciferous) , lean fish, the occasional red fruits and began reducing my intake to one piece of fruit or a small plate of chicken during the day and then a healthy dinner followed by a snack in evening lf I seriously feel hungry.
Iv been like this for a year but also recently Iv on top of above felt absolutely freezing to the bone , migraines, nausea, a strange urine pain (randomly not when I need the toilet but similar to the feeling when u have a urine infection) , my periods have gone from the usual five days to one or two light days then gone,
This week Iv felt unbearabley exhausted. My eyes are red puffy sore and sensitive to light. I cry about anything. I feel distant and almost faint / like I'm walking on air half the day..I only get out of bed to work and eat really, and ofcourse try to keep up my weekly gym three days a week and one swimming lesson (I'm a dancer so My work is performing twice a week in a show and a kids science presentation) I also have nearly fainted three times during work and exercise this week.
I went to the doctors today and burst Into tears
I explained everything above, the fact I'd researched t3 and the idea I may now not be converting t4 properly and perhaps now that is why my hypothyroid symptoms have reappeared. I explained how id tried supplementing with iron, but was extremely sick on that so stopped and upped my steak and spinach intake to replace iron (also told I'm anaemic and have "slightly but nothing to worry about" low blood pressure )
I told him I would like to be tested for t3 as I am convinced my results don't show how sick I really truly feel. He told me everyone these days thinks they aren't allergic and he's convinced Iv cut out dairy gluten and wheat because I now have anxiety about eating and am blaming my thyroid. That I'm not eating enough for the exercise I do and I perhaps need to speak to someone about my eating disorder.
He's referred me to an endocrinologist and said he's shocks that I have never seen a specialist despite being diagnosed in 2007 with hypothyroidism (3years later told it's actually hashimotos)
Results he had showed TSH "normal" and T4 going slightly over and then under throughout the years. He had no other results than on refer to.
I feel I'm living a half life just now. I know as a dancer it's wasted half my 20s because I'm a size12 and for the little I eat ans the amount of excercise I do I should be atleast a size 8, however now that I'm fainting, anxious about eating, not even looking an inch smaller with a year of strict eating I'm now left with this,
I do feel he's done me a favour, he's agreed to test my t3 (I think he clicked on FT3 I don't think RT3 was one he system) he also referred me To endo and dietician so I do believe he's trying to help me and feels I need to eat more and focus on that until the tests come through, but I cant imagine feeling like this for another 3 weeks and risk fainting on stage or worse!
Anyone have any thoughts??
My blood test is 2 weeks away.
I'm tempted to try t3 for 2 weeks just to get through but I know that'll give him an unfair diagnoses. I know this is wrong anyway cos I would then not be sure if it is worth it and might cause damage coming off it
Just praying the labs don't change my blood test paper and actually follow through. He's also testing me for celiac and vitamin d even though he joked that it's all a fashion these days and everyone things they are allergic when actually they aren't :/
I don't think he's educated enough to realise most hashimotos patiences cut dairy and gluten as a mean so of improving their health, he just thinks I'm a borderline anorexic :/ I don't know what I believe anymore but I guess I should appreciate his referrals and blood test request? He gave me 30mins of his time and even tho I feel like I'm now going to spend most of December fainting and feeling ill, atleast he accepted my t3 blood test request and referred me ??? So I should feel greatful?
He says I should keep taking all my vitamin and supplements (selenium zinc vitamins omega 3 and probiotics)
But totally convinced my thuroids fine and it's just that I'm unhappy with myself an so have developed an eating disorder that's why I'm ill and need to spend a few weeks building a relationship with food..
He said it'll take two months for an endo appointment.
Anyone shed some light on this?
Or have advice on what I can do in the next few weeks to actually help me? I don't want to spend half of my month in bed :/