Blood Results - (after rubbish GP visit last week) - Thyroid UK

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Blood Results - (after rubbish GP visit last week)

11 Replies

Hi Everyone, after my horrid visit to the GP last week, i've (eventually) managed to get access online to my records and test results. Thank you so much everyone for your lovely advice on my last post.

After seeing another GP this week after getting so worried about the constant vertigo who told me my thyroid "isn't bad", (i know the figures aren't bad, but i feel that bad :( !)

This is what i've got :

( 02/10/17)

Serum TSH level 5.03 miu/L [Abnormal result] 0.27 - 4.2miu/L

Serum free T4 level 10.8 pmol/L [Abnormal result] 12 - 22pmol/L

Serum ferritin 13 ug/l [Abnormal result] 14 - 186ug/l

Total 25hydroxy vitamin D 33 nmol/L

from 10/7/17.........

Serum vitamin B12 172 ng/l [Abnormal result] 180 - 650ng/l

Serum folate 7.6 ug/l 2.8 - 15ug/l

*I've attached a picture of my blood count list because i have no clue!

Also this is what my thyroid has been doing since 2011.....

20 Dec 11 Serum TSH level 1.65 mIU/L 0.4 - 4mIU/L

11 Jul 12 Serum TSH level 1.31 miu/L 0.4 - 4miu/L

26 Jun 13 Serum TSH level 2.83 miu/L 0.4 - 4miu/L

10 Jun 14 Serum TSH level 1.17 miu/L 0.4 - 4miu/L

20 Jul 15 Serum TSH level 1.39 miu/L 0.4 - 4miu/L

13 Jul 16 Serum TSH level 1.84 miu/L 0.4 - 4miu/L

17 Jan 17 Serum TSH level 1.54 miu/L 0.4 - 4miu/L

10 Jul 17 Serum TSH level 1.44 miu/L 0.27 - 4.2miu/L

02 Oct 17 Serum TSH level 5.03 miu/L [Abnormal result] 0.27 - 4.2miu/L

& my ferritin since 2011!

11 Jul 12 Serum ferritin 7 ug/l [Abnormal result] 14 - 186ug/l

10 Jun 14 Serum ferritin 3 ug/l [Abnormal result] 14 - 186ug/l

10 Jun 14 Serum ferritin 3 ug/l [Abnormal result] 14 - 186ug/l

23 Jul 14 Serum ferritin 20 ug/l 14 - 186ug/l

24 Feb 15 Serum ferritin 25 ug/l 14 - 186ug/l

13 Oct 15 Serum ferritin 13 ug/l [Abnormal result] 14 - 186ug/l

13 Jul 16 Serum ferritin 8 ug/l [Abnormal result] 14 - 186ug/l

17 Jan 17 Serum ferritin 7 ug/l [Abnormal result] 14 - 186ug/l

10 Jul 17 Serum ferritin 6 ug/l [Abnormal result] 14 - 186ug/l

02 Oct 17 Serum ferritin 13 ug/l [Abnormal result] 14 - 186ug/l

I'm currently since july of this year and the abnormal b12 result taking : x3 50mcg cyanocobalamin per day

& since my vitamin D test i've been taking 5000iu Vitamin D3 per day

(My thyroxine has been upped from 50 to 75)

And im on 1x Ferrous fumarate 210mg per day - I'm very intolerant to iron supplements so managing this tablet for a while has been a miracle!)

Thanks so much everyone for all your help, sorry for the number-full post! xx

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11 Replies
Treepie profile image

Hopefully someone more expert will reply, having had an increase in T4 you should get the thyroid tests done again in 6-8 weeks. See Seaside Susies responses on vits .There are four forms of B12 and you are taking a form that is not the best .Posts on here recommend methylcobalamin taken sub lingually.

in reply to Treepie

Thankyou so much Treepie xx

SeasideSusie I really hope it's ok to tag you in this after all your advice last week about what tests results to get. These are what they've done ( there's no results for FT3 so i presume it's not been done)

Sorry again, i hope this is ok, thanks so much,

Lou xx

bluebug profile image

You may want to pop over to the pernicious anaemia society on health unlocked to get advice about vitamin B12.

There are issues around vitamin B12 particularly repeat testing when you are supplementing so they would be better off answering your questions.

You will need to get your thyroid antibodies tested but unfortunately you are likely to have to do this privately to rule out autoimmune thyroid disease which would help explain why your B12 and ferritin levels are dire.

in reply to bluebug

Hi bluebug, thanks so much for the advice.

I was diagnosed with autoimmune thyroid disease in 2009 when i had extremely high antibodies, i've been on thyroxine since then that's recently been upped from 50 to 75mcg after the higher test result.

Thanks for your help

Lou xx

bluebug profile image
bluebug in reply to

Make sure you read up about Hashimotos flare. So you know what to say if your tests ever come back looking like you are over medicated.

in reply to bluebug

Thank you so much, I really do appreciate it, I will have a look xx thank you xx

SeasideSusie profile image


Serum TSH level 5.03 miu/L [Abnormal result] 0.27 - 4.2miu/L

Serum free T4 level 10.8 pmol/L [Abnormal result] 12 - 22pmol/L

Well, this is obviously a big problem. Your TSH is over range and your FT4 is below range. How long since you had your dose increased to 75mcg Levo? Were these results before the increase or since the increase?


Serum ferritin 13 ug/l [Abnormal result] 14 - 186ug/l And im on 1x Ferrous fumarate 210mg per day - I'm very intolerant to iron supplements so managing this tablet for a while has been a miracle!)

and this

10 Jun 14 Serum ferritin 3 ug/l [Abnormal result] 14 - 186ug/l

For thyroid hormone to work (that's our own as well as replacement hormone) ferritin needs to be at least 70, preferably half way through range.

Have you ever had an iron infusion? You need one so go and ask for one.

Have you had an iron panel and full blood count to see if you have iron deficiency anaemia? If not ask for them to be done.

There are other forms of iron tablets for people who can't tolerate ferrous fumarate and these should be looked into by your GP.

You can also help raise your level by eating liver regularly, maximum 200g per week due to it's high Vit A content (and don't say YUK because you're in dire straits here with this level and needs must) and including lots of iron rich foods in your diet


Total 25hydroxy vitamin D 33 nmol/L since my vitamin D test i've been taking 5000iu Vitamin D3 per day

As you are just 3 away from the level where you would have loading doses prescribed, according to NICE treatment summary for Vit D deficiency:

"Treat for Vitamin D deficiency if serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D) levels are less than 30 nmol/L.

For the treatment of vitamin D deficiency, the recommended treatment is based on fixed loading doses of vitamin D (up to a total of about 300,000 international units [IU] given either as weekly or daily split doses.......

then I personally would take 10,000iu daily for 3-4 weeks then drop back to 5000iu daily. Retest in 2 months then when you've reached the level recommended by the Vit D Council - which is 100-150nmol/L - then you'll need a maintenance dose which may be 2000iu daily, it's trial and error so it's recommended to retest once or twice a year to keep within the recommended range. You can do this with a private fingerprick blood spot test with City Assays

There are important cofactors needed when taking D3

D3 aids absorption of calcium from food and K2-MK7 directs the calcium to bones and teeth where it is needed and away from arteries and soft tissues where it can be deposited and cause problems.

D3 and K2 are fat soluble so should be taken with the fattiest meal of the day, D3 four hours away from thyroid meds.

Magnesium helps D3 to work and comes in different forms, check to see which would suit you best and as it's calming it's best taken in the evening, four hours away from thyroid meds

Check out the other cofactors too.


Serum vitamin B12 172 ng/l [Abnormal result] 180 - 650ng/l

Serum folate 7.6 ug/l 2.8 - 15ug/l

From your previous thread:

I luckily discovered the b12 deficiency a few months ago when a doctor decided to do it for the first time since i was diagnosed hypothyroid all those years ago, (despite all my ferritin deficiency that i've known about for years.)

I'm on tablets for the B12 deficiency, (i wasn't offered injections.)

I think you should post on the Pernicious Anaemia Society forum for further advice I would have thought that B12 injections were standard for B12 deficiency but they are the experts and can give you guidance on this. You will need to give them information about our ferritin levels too.


Did you look into the links SlowDragon gave you in our last thread, have you started a gluten free diet and looking into gut healing? The gut needs healing before vitamins and minerals will be absorbed properly, and vits and mins need to be at optimal levels for thyroid hormone to work.

in reply to SeasideSusie

SeasideSusie Thankyou so much for your reply and your help I truly am so grateful.

I increased my levo on the 5th october and have got a repeat blood test for 8 weeks after, that's the result from before the increase.

I've never had an iron infusion or been offered one, i've tried for years with different iron tablets, (ferrous fumerate i'm tolerating better than any of the others fingers crossed) i've strayed in and out of anemia over the years, (I don't think i am at the moment from what they said & i've not got restless legs which is usually when i know it's bad- when i just want to kick everything!)

I will speak to them about this because i feel it's a bit ridiculous how long it's been going on.

I've started the gluten free diet and looking at how to improve things overall with my diet and vitamins.

I will look in to the vitamin D and B12 too thank you so much.

I've been very depressed and have felt like giving up today with the off balance feeling and your help is so kind & has really helped thank you. I just need to brave the doctors and learn to fight my corner now! xx

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to

Do you have a supportive partner or family member who can accompany you to the doctors, for moral support or to speak up for you if necessary. It can make such a difference to how we are treated when we take someone with us.

Hopefully your results will look better when tested next, but if your TSH is still above one and your free Ts not in the upper part of their ranges, and you still have symptoms, make sure you get another increase in Levo.

in reply to SeasideSusie

Thank you so much, I think i need to take my bf with me to appointments, the last time he came with me I felt the Dr i saw did act differently than if i'd been alone.

Fingers crossed the test results will look better, i will push to get the levels below 1, that's where my Dr when i first got diagnosed insisted on but now these GP's seem less bothered about most things tbh!

Thank you so much again xx

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