Hello everyone; & thanks once again for encouragement, feedback, input, etc. after my first post last week.
My blood results are back (if you remember, my dr suggested stopping meds after I saw her on Sunday & just confirming that everything we are treating is, in fact, accurate!)
Yes, I am hypothyroid & yes antibodies were present so I assume Hashimoto's is the diagnosis?
Interestingly, even just a week's worth of Levo at initial dose of 50mcg & up to 75mcg had improved my TSH levels already, which had fallen from 70.51 to 43.28 even in that time; & T4 had gone up from 5.7 to 8.9, so I guess I should be encouraged that my body was responding appropriately, even if I was feeling a bit rough!!
Doc has suggested restarting meds at a dose of 100mcg & not bothering with subclinical doses at this stage, given that I was not feeling good on them. So we will see. Worth a try.
I guess the fact I had tonsillitis last week (whether connected or not) can't have helped with the way I have been feeling generally, adding to the over all sense of malaise & 'unwellness'! A bit virusy - or something.
Also, pleased to report that the inflammatory marker tests were all nicely within range. That's a relief! It's amazing how the mind wanders when you just know something is 'up'!
Anyhow, if you don't mind, I will list my current blood results (& lab ranges) here now for your interpretation and input going forward, especially in terms of what I should be aiming for:
TSH: 43.28 (0.27-4.20)
T4: 8.9 (12.00-22.00)
PEROXIDASE AB: 60.48 (0.00-34.00)
In terms of additional info. that some of you have said it would be worth checking, my doctor has ordered my Vit. D and folate to be tested at my next round of bloods. For now, I do have my ferritin and B12, which are within the normal ranges:
Ferritin: 27 (13.00-150.00)
B12: 354 (197.00-771.00)
It strikes me that, although my ferritin falls within the normal range, it is at the lower end of normal and could probably do with a boost. Would you agree? Also, my haemoglobin estimation is right at the lower end of 'normal', at 116 (115.00-155.00), so I am also thinking that perhaps I should take responsibility for getting my iron stores & haemoglobin up. Could possibly play a part in the occasional heart palpitations & breathlessness (which were the symptoms that first took me in to the doctor's surgery the week before last, before this diagnosis came to light. ECG was all clear, by the way).
What bemuses me with regards iron levels is that I do not have an iron-deficient diet. I eat red meat, pulses, leafy vegetables etc. - so I do wonder why I have (all my life) had a tendency towards low iron levels. Any thoughts on this and on absorption issues etc.?
Should I supplement?
I have today bought a Selenium supplement, called Selenium Plus (by HealthAid), with vits A, C, E & Zinc. Selenium content is 200mcg, Zinc 4mg, Vit C 120mg, Vit E 67mg, Vit A 750mcg. Hopefully that will be a help? I will await results of Vit D and folate before supplementing, though I have heard that we could all do with Vit D anyway!
Anything I am missing?
For your info (I don't know what helps!) I am a 33 year old female, my height and weight are indicative of a healthy BMI, although I suppose I have always had to keep an eye on my weight creeping up & take charge of keeping it where I want it to be. For dosage purposes, I am 73kg.
My cholesterol has come back a little high, at 5.1 (2.30-4.90) & HDL cholesterol 2.8 (1.20-1.70). Though my doctor said that the ratio of good to bad cholesterol is fine (all this is a new language to me!)
Anything else that you think would help you to help me or me to help myself, then do please let me know!
Unfortunately I was wrong about my doctor testing T3. Shall I see how I go on 100mcg Levo for a few weeks and hope for the best? Then can go from there in terms of further tests if I am not responding positively?
Thank you so much, as ever. What a great forum for advice, support and encouragement. Thank you for sharing your experiences and experience!