Hi everyone.
Been a crazy few past months getting tests done and such since I've posted. I am currently on 163 of Synthroid after gone up from 150 mcg back in December after being redcued from 175 my last endo really had me up, down, up down, etc). Still lots of hypo symptoms such as lethargy, HAIR LOSS, irritable, lethargy, moody, etc, however, I genuinely have no idea how I feel anymore as I know symptoms can overlap. I just know that I don't pursue my life nor friends because I have no energy, and i don't sleep at all (which I'll go on in a moment).
An endo I liked that I saw in the New Year suggested I lower to 125 T4 and add 10 of T3 but I was seeing on the country's top doc's shortly following so I didn't want to askew any labs by changing (that doc was a joke). Per a few recommendations, decided to get a second opinion from a second endo just a week ago as the idea of lowering scares me, but I just wanted to see if his review mirrors the other doc mentioned. For one, he took a huge thyroid panel without me even having to make mention and that made me hopeful. However, I have to wait two more weeks of hell before I can see him.
However, I had labs done 2x in that week, one by the endo I had liked and a set prior by my integrative family PC.
I would like to share:
2/15/17 labs taken at 2:30 PM taken by my integrative doc:
TSH: .36 (range .45 - 4.5)
FT4: 1.04 (.82 - 1.77)
FT3: 2.30 (2.0 - 4.4)
RT3: 15 (9.2 - 24.1)
TPO AB: 7 (0 -34)
2/21/17 labs taken at 8:30 AM (T4 medicine taken 30 minutes prior):
TSH: 1.96 (0.45 - 5.33 uIU/mL)
Free T4: 0.89 ng/dL (0.61 - 1.44)
Free T3: 2.9 (2.5 - 3.9)
Total T3: 129 (87 - 178)
Total T4: 7.0 (6.1 - 12.2)
Cortisol: 21.0 (4.3 - 22.4)
Vitamin D, Iron, B-12: all really good
So that TSH is VERY contradictory! That latter lab has had false positive reads about TG prior, but that seems like somebody else's blood, nah? The .3 seems more apt but since the summer, and being on 150 of Synthroid then, my TSH was at .0. My resting BPM is always about 64-67, my morning temp is usually 97.4, and I don't feel hyper at all. My hair loss is so extreme that I am so devoid of emotion. If I'm hyper it's not in the physical sense; no weight loss, more bloated, fatigued, no palps. Maybe if anything, at night when laying down my heart feel a bit irregular, like its working harder, not faster. I am quick to bite as I am vey irritable and like I said, I have no energy at all. I am only in my mid-30s y'all, and I used to be the most vivacious, most energetic person, ever. I get bad depression and anxiety now and the sleep... the sleep is the WORST, ever. I don't get into REM and when I feel like my body wants to snap into a deep sleep, I feel like brain isn't connecting to my body and my chest feels hot, I sweat, and it's like my body is fighting itself to stay asleep. My eyes burn from fatigue but somehow I am still alive after all of this time. I also can't sleep, either. And I feel like myself only as of late evening. It's like the medicine is weaning off and I feel like myself again but then feel like hell in thr morning; sleep literally makes me feel worse. Hell broke loose due to RAI prep (no thyrogen, borderline myxedema coma, remaining tinnitus) but I shouldn't feel like this. This all started following RAI and starting levo (and even on NDT and other brands it has remained the same).
I am hesitant to lower T4 as I felt scarily worse on a reduced amount in the past but I am ready to really get better and put as much as I can of this behind me. I don't feel hyper yet maybe my symptoms are paradoxical, who knows. My FT3 has always been in the crapper and Cytomel doesn't make me feel as alive as it did. Any thoughts if I'm on too much? Too little? I feel like a magnet and the walls are a magnet and I'm a magnet but I don't laugh anymore. The higher my T4 goes the more iron-clad I feel yet once I reduce it, in about three weeks I feel more temp changes and such, hypo... want t nap but my body will not nap. The doctor that wanted to lower said the reduced amount was still too high and I am honestly just so confused.
I will gladly accept thoughts once more. I'm so sick of this two year strong misery, everyone. Just wondering if someone is seeing something I don't or has lived this. I feel like my light turned off and worried I won't ever get it back. When I say how difficult it is to just talk myself into getting my shoes on from lethargy and fatigue? I mean it. Thank you.