Newbie....advice please...increased dose of Thy... - Thyroid UK

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Newbie....advice please...increased dose of Thyroxine..

Ollysmum profile image
7 Replies

Hello all I'm new here and looking for advice to steer me in the right direction. I'm so grateful to have found this great site and have learnt a lot, but still have some way to go. Thank you everyone. :-) In May of last year I had my Thyroid levels checked (even without seeing the doctor... another story) as I had been feeling awful.. depressed, dry skin, tiredness, thinning hair and difficulty losing weight despite eating healthily and exercising. I thought I may need my levo increased. I was told the results were "normal" and I put it down to the extreme stress I was going through...losing my Mum and Stepfather within months of each other and going through a protracted COP case. I have just learned the results of that 'normal' May Blood test.

TSH 4.94 (0.4-4.0) T4 19.1 (10-25)

By November I wasn't feeling much better and visited GP. I was told my previous doctor had retired and my surgery had amalgamated with another. Great I thought, might be a chance for a new doctor to take a closer look. Explained to new doctor how I was feeling and asked her if I could be tested again in the hope she would look closely to see if I would benefit from an increase in dose. Was tested again and told results were "normal".

Again I accepted this, and have recently learned the results were

TSH 2.16 (0.4-4.0) no T4 was checked.... and this test was done at 11.00am after I took meds. I know better now though since building my knowledge.

Still with the same symptoms as previously only worse, with dark circles under my eyes, twitching right eye, I visited another doc in the practice almost four weeks ago. I showed her the November result and said I was surprised that the doctor hadn't done a full profile and she said the lab won't test T3. Doc hadn't even tested T4 though...Told her I was fed up of feeling ill every day, that I was also worried about not being able to tolerate dairy... possible lack of calcium and it...was flaring up my psoraisis .She believed there was scope to up meds and increased dose from 125mcg to 150 based on Nov test.. to be re-tested in eight weeks. Other tests done were FBC, Bone panel, B12, folate and Ferritin

FBC - WBC 4.8 (4.0-11.0) RBC 4.72 (3.8-5.8) HB 145 (145-165)

B12 2.82 (1.91-6.63) Folate 4.7 (3.89-26.8) Ferritin 63 (15-150)

Bone panel organic phosh 0.96 (0.8-1.5) Alkaline phosp 67 (30-130) Tot protein 75(60-80) albumin 46 (35-50) magnesium 0.82 (0.7 -1.0) calcium (2.4 (2.2-2.6) corrected calcium 2.36 (2.20-2.60).

I've another appointment in a couple of days as I believe my B12, folate and ferritin are at the bottom range and I need medicated. Am I on the right track here please? Also I feel doc should have done thyroid bloods then and not base increase on Nov result. Skin is a little better since increased dose but had awful headache for a couple of weeks now....still early days I suppose but still feeling pretty much the same and no shift in weight. Apologies for this long post....if you are still reading thank you very much. Any replies and advice gratefully accepted.

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Ollysmum profile image
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7 Replies
puncturedbicycle profile image

Yes, you were undermedicated in May. No idea why gp waited until Nov (because you reported intolerable symptoms?) to raise dose when tsh was so high in May. They do tend to let us languish on as little meds as poss unless we prod them.

You should be allowed to take a dose of meds that will get your tsh near or below 1 and t3/t4 up in top quarter of the range to see if your symptoms improve. On treatment this range is just not valid at every level, like anywhere in the range and you're fine. You need to be nearer the bottom of the range and/or have relief from symptoms.

As you say, ferritin, folate and b12 need a boost. Have you had vit d tested? We're almost all low in d.

May I ask what is the purpose of your appt this week? Your gp is not likely to be interested in the results above as they appear to be 'normal' so you are likely to have to do your own supplementing. You can have your blood tested 6-8wks after the dose increase.

Ollysmum profile image
Ollysmum in reply to puncturedbicycle

Thank you very much for your reply punctured bicycle. Much appreciated. My dose increase only started almost four weeks ago after yet another visit to different doctor....sorry if I didn't make this clear. GP who checked my May result has now retired. Bloods done in November by new doc were deemed 'normal' ...clearly not the case though. I had my Vit D checked about a year ago and was told 'normal'..although I don't have the exact result. maybe its something I need to have checked. The purpose of my appointment this week was to be medicated for b12, folates and ferritin as I understand they need to be optimal for the uptake of levo. As you say though GP probably not interested and I'll probably end up supplementing myself. Thanks again!

puncturedbicycle profile image
puncturedbicycle in reply to Ollysmum

I see. Yes, get your d result as it can be low and still 'normal'.

Not everyone will agree, but I like to keep my own efforts to make myself well separate from those of the doctor. I feel like anything they deem to be a bit crackpotty is a demerit and may affect our relationship, so I like to keep it conventional w the gp, then go home and do my own vits and mins, gf diet, ldn or whatever. Others here have won over their gp to their side, which I respect as well, and to do that you have to be prepared to reveal more. It is a personal decision.

Ollysmum profile image
Ollysmum in reply to puncturedbicycle

Thank you puncturedbicycle. I will check the Vit D result. I respect your decision to keep your own efforts to be well separate to those of your doctors. Each to their own and your prerogative :-)

puncturedbicycle profile image
puncturedbicycle in reply to Ollysmum


SlowDragon profile image

do you know if you have ever had thyroid antibodies checked? There are two sorts TPO Ab and TG Ab. (Thyroid peroxidase and thyroglobulin) Both need checking, if either, or both antibodies are high this means autoimmune thyroid - called Hashimoto's the most common cause in UK of being hypo.

TPO is rarely checked and TG almost never checked. More common to have high TPO or high TPO AND high TG, but negative TPO and raised TG is possible, though rarer.

As you have psoriasis, which is autoimmune, it is most likely that you also have Hashimotos. But ideally need testing to see how high the antibodies are and then can see if you can lower them & reduce symptoms by changing diet. you may find, like very many with Hashimoto's that adopting 100% gluten free diet may really help.

Excellent free web based document-series - re-running, starting March 1st

Masses of advice for all thyroid issues, but especially for Hashimoto's or Graves

You do not need to have ANY obvious gut issues, to still have poor nutrient absorption or low stomach acid or gluten or other food intolerance

ALWAYS Make sure you get the actual figures from tests (including ranges - figures in brackets). You are entitled to copies of your own results. When you get results suggest you make a new post on here and members can offer advice on results

If you can not get GP to do these tests, then like many of us, you can get them done privately

Special offer at moment

Usual advice on ALL thyroid tests, is to do early in morning, ideally before 9am. No food or drink beforehand (other than water) If you are taking Levo, then don't take it in 24 hours before (take straight after). This way your tests are always consistent, and it will show highest TSH, and as this is mainly all the medics decide dose on, best idea is to keep result as high as possible

You may find jumping dose up from 125mcg to 150mcg is too much. Some of us need very fine dose adjustment. You can reduce or increase by smaller amounts by alternating dose e.g. 125/150. Or someone might take for example 125 five times a week and 150 twice week etc

Ollysmum profile image
Ollysmum in reply to SlowDragon

Thank you so much SlowDragon for your very informative reply and all of the links. Very much appreciated. Stored in my memory box! Your comments regarding Hashimoto's is of interest and the thought had entered my head that I may even have this, although I've never had my antibodies tested. Doubt I'll get past the doctor on this one though so, will look at private testing. I've signed up for the free web series you mentioned so looking forward to learning more! :-)

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