I last posted 18 days ago and FallingInReverse very kindly helped me get my thoughts in order. As a result of this I came up with a plan. For reference, my post is here: healthunlocked.com/thyroidu...
You will see that the plan was to increase my T3 from 7.5mcg/day to 10mcg/day. I have been doing this over the last two and a half weeks but it is just not working and I have been feeling worse and worse. I feel I have now given it enough of a go. I do not seem to be able to manage 10mcg of Lio with 100mcg of Levo. This dose makes me feel awful: hot, puffy eyes and face, headache, tired more quickly, achy, bloodshot eyes, lacking interest, energy and enthusiasm. I just want to curl up. It is confusing as many of these are under-medicated symptoms too.
I think, therefore, that I should probably start by reducing the T4 instead. This is something deliberated by FallingInReverse and me as I don't convert particularly well and it may cause my T3 to drop. Question is, by how much? Shall I start with reducing from 100mcg to 87.5mcg every day do you think? Or just on, say, three days a week? I don't want anything too dramatic. I know how hard it is to claw your way back up once you've gone down too far. Don't we all! Thank you so much xx