Hello, I have just joined and I am having my thyroid baselined after a TSH of 5.5 and a T4 of 14.5 (thereabouts, TSH just over upper limit T4 was low end) I am in the UK. My dr was prompted to test because of numbness in foot and tingling along with head and neck pain accompanying my chronic migraine, he suspects Hypothyroid autoimmune illness he doesn’t think my results are why I feel ill. Well I do. I never used to feel tired; I never used to get headaches or any pains in my body. ( have always felt the cold, and periodically anxious and suffered with period problems) I do not have a weight problem. I think I have a hardened lump one side of my thyroid, it is asymmetrical and feels firm – dr hasn’t checked this. He has told me no more tests for 2 months
My symptoms are; that for about three years ago after the birth of my second baby at 40 I began chronic migraines. Three years later these are still a problem but accompanied by some tingling and numbness. Periodically I get crushing fatigue, it feels like no blood is going to my head. I sometimes have this awful flulike feeling of being poisoned. I have always been high energy but feel just flat for long periods. My body feels inflamed often (not just my head) and my hands and feet swollen, its periodic. Then I will go a period feeling quite well. I notice that the last two winters I have felt worse, with a good summer in between; strict diet is adhered to.
I haven't seen the Dr much during this period as all they would do is give me more and more painkillers.
My mother had a hypothyroid diagnosis at my age.
Here is my question, my next test is a month away. I have two small kids. I am trying to feel better. I pretty much on a paleo diet anyway, I am about to follow the Terry Whals protocol out of desperation and go even stricter. I mega dose vitamin C and vitamin D and K2 (also started vit D sunbed) I also take some iodine more recently (dodgy area I know), because I feel better within the hour. I also take high vitamin B and selenium, and lots of magnesium and I use bioidentical progesterone cream. Will these give a lift and interfere with my next test? I don’t want to scupper it and then have to wait 6 month, but I have a little family to care for. Please advise I am so scared he wont give me a needed diagnosis and I will be on the backfoot with my health again and I want to enjoy my little family.