Hi everyone, I was after help digesting my blood test result.
As a result of these tests, I am now taking 20,000iu of Vitamin D and 200mg of Levothyroxine each day. I havent been amazingly consistent with my tablets (I am 24 now, diagnosed when I was 11 with MEN2a, had my thyroid taken out and didnt really take my tablets until I was 18) and am worried that there may be an issue with my adrenal glands/hyperparathyroidism and the doctors have asked me to get my caletonin checked. I have taken a vow to take them consistently. I am also taking Selenium, Zinc and Vitamin B complex.
Here are my results:
Vitamin D: 20.3 (low)
TSH -3.81 PTH -7.1 Free T3 -4.4 Free T4 -16 (it states this has been corrected by the move from 175mg on weekdays and 200mg on weekends to 200mg every day)
calcium -2.59
Any help would be very much appriciated