Hello, I have just received my results back this morning.I have graves disease and take 40mg of carbimazole and 100mcg levothyroxine per day as block and replace.My endocrinologist is happy with my levels at the moment but I am feeling shaky, my heart rate goes into the 90's with little exertion and I have had 4 migraines in 4 weeks when I had got them under control.I take my thyroxine as instructed and did my blood test early and fasting taking my levothyroxine after it.I take 20mg amitriptyline per day for migraine prevention and the supplements I take are 200ug selenium, 500mg slow release vitamin C,25ug vitamin D per day. Results are as follows:
Inflammation CRP HS 1.2mg/l (0-5)
Ferritin 87ug/L (13-150)
Folate-serum 14.1ug/l >2.9
Vitamin B12 -active >256 (25.1-165)
Vitamin D 89nmol/L (50-200)
TSH 0.68mlu/L (0.27-4.2)
Free T3 4.5pmol/L (3.1-6.8)
Free Thyroxine 20.7pmol/L(12-22)
Thyroglobuline Antibodies <10iu/mL(0-115)
Thyroid Peroxidase antibodies <9iu/mL(0-34)
I am concerned about my B12 results as I am taking no supplements. Do my low antibodies mean I could try stopping my tablets? I did stop last October for 2 weeks but my T4 went up to 69.Any advice or opinions would be appreciated.
Thank you.