Hi there
I am hypothyroid and my 20 yr old daughter has a lot of thyroid type signs so recently had a full Thyroid screen, anaemia tests and Adrenal stress profile. She hasn't seen a Dr about any of this yet.Her results are:
TSH 3.00 range 0.40 -4.0
TT4 70 range 58-161
FT4 12.9 range 11.5-22.7
FT3 4.8 range 2.8 - 6.5
FT4:FT3 ratio 2.7 range 2.0- 4.5
ReverseT3 0.29 range 0.14- 0.54
Thyroglobulin (TG) 88 range <=40
perioxidase (TPO) <10 range <=35
Haven't got the anaemia test back yet but her 4 cortisol results are
sample 1 31.54 range 7.45-32.56
sample 2 15.56 range 2.76- 11.31
sample 3 9.24 range 1.38 - 7.45
sample 4 4.80 range 0.83 - 3.86
DHEA mean was 1.85
dhea/Cortisol ratio 0.077 range 0.015- 0.150
secretory IgA 206 range 102-471
So the thyroid results, coupled with her symptoms make me think she needs to get some treatment? Private, obviously
The high cortisol results are worse than mine and I have had a lot on my plate !
Any suggestions? I am reading Datis Kharrazian at the moment and he suggests that going Gluten free and using adaptogenic herbs like ashwaganda may keep the anti-bodies at bay and avoid the need for replacement thyroid hormones.
I know my daughter is relieved that her bloods show something is amiss as she has been feeling so lousy but I don't want to freak her out as she is starting UNI this week- need to get her sorted quickly though.