My daughters suffering weakness,fatigue ,mental fog, very emotional, pain in hips lower back, ankles, she can't concentrate has memory problems. Eczema shortness of breath, heavy periods after them stopping altogether. All her tests were so say normal and the ones that were out of range told nothing to worry about. This is the results of her test last Jan15
TSH. 0.05. (0.2-5.5)
T4 18 (10-24.5)
Ferritin 13 (10-300)
Folate 4.2 (4.>u)
B12 395 (180-1000)
Alkaline phosphatase 95 ( 130- 340) should be 3 times adult ranges in children.
Serum ALT 11ul (*u-33) (1) bone profile
Serum c reactive protine less than 1mg/L (*u-5)
Heamaglobin 140 gl (115-165)
Means corpus 88.9 (81-98)
Platelet 310 10*9L (140-400
Total white 12.7 (3.6-11) Hi
Neutrophil count 9.92 (1.8-8) Hi
Lymphocyte 2.04 (1.2-5.2)
Monocyte 0.52 (0.1-0.8)
Eosinophil 0.13 (0.1-0.08)
Basophils 0.06 (0.0-0.02)
Red blood cell 4.63 (3.8-5.8)
Thyroid peroxidase less than 20iu/ml ( u0-60 )
Ab .< 60 neg
Doubtful clinical significance (.60-100)
Clear positive (.101)
Serum total bilirubin level 8 (* u -21)
Plasma vis 1.60(1.5-172)
Serum protine 74 (*u 60-80
Serum calcium 2-54 (2.20-2.63) adjusted 2.51mmol/L (1*u 2.20 -2.63
Creatinine 62 (45-84) ref for 10-15 yrs ( < 4.4)
Potassium 4.2 (3.5-5.3)
Low liver function to repeat in 5wks
Saw endroconologist may 15 as I have graves and she said all the blood tests were ok
When I questioned ferritin folate and phosphorus she said that her iron was a little low and recomended GP to prescribe some iron tablets . She also said if she didn't improve to go back to Gp and get refferal to Bath hospital for ME as this would help if she had a diagnosis for school . She has app at Dr tomorrow with new blood test results , I'm at a loss as she she so poorly my other daughter was diagnosed with ME at 14 SHES 19 and still poorly I have had total thyroid removed due to graves and still battling to make myself feel well after 14 years ago. Please advise on what we should say tomorrow Inorder to get some help. Many thanks