My GP referred me to a endo on my first diagnosis due to my age/size/severity of condition and was declined, fortunately he sends my bloods to an endo to look at and advise what action should be taken.
I suffer from under-active thyroid and was previously on Levothyroxine (175mg maybe slightly more i think) for several months however it disagreed with me so requested Liothyronine and have been on that (and feeling pretty damn good) for 3-4 months now.
Sadly, i am new to the blood test game and 80% of the time am clueless as to what they mean!! I request them to be printed off religiously so i can have a look myself.. but googling medicinal things always seems to come out with a much more scientific or acedemic answer than my mind can handle. Any explanations (literally just the bare bones of what it means and whether things are good/bad/improving) and i wouldl be enormously grateful!
So here goes:
Serum TSH level >100/mu/L (normal range 0.35-5.0)
Serum free T4 level <3.2 pmol/L (normal range 7.0-20.0)
note beside this from endo- very raised TSH indicates under-replacement, I see that her TSH was 0.9 in June.
Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) 76.9 fL (normal range 80-100)
Mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH) 25.6pg (normal range 27-32)
Red blood cell distribut width 22 (normal range 11-14.5)
These are the ones that were flagged up anyway, just seeing if anyone can go some way to clarify all this, a- because i have over a week and a half before i can actually see my GP and b- because i like to have some knowledge myself and learn to understand it all!