Hi everyone,
I was looking for some advice on the supplements I should be taking as the ones I'm taking at the moment clearly aren't adequate!
My last full blood work was done in March but I recently obtained a print out of my results. My serum folate was 2.96 ug/L (4.6-18.7) "low" and serum vitamin B12 was 198 ng/L (191-663). I was prescribed 3-months worth of folic acid supplements and since then have taken the Holland & Barrett Complete B Vitamin B Complex once daily.
At the beginning of this month I had a small amount of blood work done (folate, B12, TSH and free T4) and found that my serum folate had gone up to 13.3ug/L (4.6-18.7) but my vitamin B12 had only gone up to 206 (191-663), which still seems low to me, though it wasn't flagged up as low. I was just wondering what this means? Should I be taking the B Complex vitamin? Or should I take it with something else? Every day I take it I have quite bright yellow wee which I was under the impression meant that I was taking more than enough and the yellow was excess. Is this totally wrong?
I've seen the word methylcobalamin come up a lot ... is that one I should be taking?
Another thing that came back from my March blood tests was that my unsat iron binding capacity was 73.7 umol/L (45-70) "high" and my iron saturation was 17.4% (20-50) "low". What does this mean? Why would I not have been told about this before finding it myself after getting it printed off? The only thing they mentioned was the low serum folate. Should I have been prescribed something for this? What supplement would you recommend?
Another thing from the March bloods was my Vitamin D came back as 26.1 nmol/L (50-125) "low". Again, never told and never prescribed anything. I've also been taking a daily vitamin D3 tablet of 25ug for around 2-3 years, so I'm worried that it came back as low. Should I be taking more?
One more thing, everything else looks to be in the "normal" range except for a couple seem low. Serum total bilirubin is 5umol/L (0-20) and serum alkaline phosphatase is 36 u/L (30-130). I have no idea what either of these are/mean. Help!
Like I said, these are all from March and I don't have anything more updated than that (although my vitamin D should be back by the time I go in for an appointment on Thursday). What should I say to the Dr about these results? And please send me your advice with what supplements you would recommend! Tired of having no energy!
Thanks for reading sorry it was long.